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  1. C

    What the hell is going on with Rolliup?

    Agree... doesn't make sense to me either. If it's another forum doing it... Why? It doesn't make sense to hinder another forums shit. We're all trying to do the same thing which is educating ourselves.
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    Germination Problem Please Help

    Sounds to me like contamination when he transferred to the riot rooters. You would want to use whatever water you are going to be using for the whole grow. For instance, I use RO water with the pH adjusted for the desired range. Nutes are unneeded because the seed has all the nutrients it...
  3. C

    What the hell is going on with Rolliup?

    Not sure what's up... There was a problem about an hour ago where I couldn't even get on this site, some database error... I would think just be careful what you click on... make sure pictures you click on and things you click on are from reputable people on here. Correct me if I'm wrong,
  4. C

    Help with Identifying Strain... It is one of five types.

    ThegrowerMOJO: I see what you mean about the leaves are definitely sativa dominate plant. Right now, this being my first grow, i don't really mind what it turns out to be, haha. I'm just happy it's growing! Although I do kind of hope it is the pineapple... Me wants to try, haha. Thanks for...
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    Help with Identifying Strain... It is one of five types.

    Cool... I've read mixed things about the strain, but it has potential... If it is blue widow, one thing I worry about is that the blue widow has (according to Attitude) a shorter flowering time than my White Widows... Not sure what I'm going to do about that.
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    Help with Identifying Strain... It is one of five types.

    Thanks for the reply... You gave what you harvested away? No good?
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    harvesting and trimming

    Hi, here is a good post that I'm going to be trying for my first grow... Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step) - Forums If you chose to do this one, let me know how it goes! Have fun!!!
  8. C

    CO2 question

    Hi everyone, I'm about 30 days into flowering... I just picked up a 40lb CO2 tank for 40 bucks (pretty awesome price!!!). I'm wondering is it too late to start introducing CO2 in my cabinet? Wasn't sure if it would cause any problems. If it is okay to start with it, when should you stop...
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    Help with Identifying Strain... It is one of five types.

    Hi everyone... got a question. I'm at about 30 days into flowering with my first grow!!! And dang I'm loving it, haha. I have a question for the community though. I have 5 plants going right now, 4 are white widow... the last I'm not quite sure of. I originally planted 5 various free seeds that...
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    Sexing again, this time i see something.

    Lookin good man = )
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    newbie white widow grow first grow

    Hi Fatwidow! I am also on my first white widow grow!!! Just wanted to make sure that you turn off GPS when taking pictures... wouldn't want any location information to be posted in the picture data... Something that can easily be overlooked, I didn't check your pictures for it, but it is...
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    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    Thanks for the info jonny... that is what I was afraid of... it's sad because it had potential to be a money shot plant.
  13. C

    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    Thanks!!! The lamp is 400W HPS... kicking it up to 600W for rest of flowering because now I have more room to raise the lamp and keep it from burning the plants... What helps out with keeping it from burning the plants (well more than the stupid thing that happened) is that the HPS lamp is...
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    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    Awesome! Thanks all for the info... This is just going to be chalked up to experience. I wanted to supercrop that plant last week, but was too scared, haha. Ultimately, I decided my first grow I was going to keep it simple and learn how the plants grow... For instance, I topped one of my...
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    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    Yeah, drive... I'm a little sick to my stomach over it... I tried to clean it up some.... Anyone know what to expect? I cut as much of the burnt leaves and bud off as possible. Will there be more growth there does anyone know? Anyone have this happen to them and how'd it recover? Thanks everyone.
  16. C

    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    That's a pretty good relief... I figured 3 weeks into flowering, there is still plenty of time for recovery and growth. I'm in no hurry, just want my first grow to be the best learning experience ever, haha. Edit: This one was actually the main cola.. probably twice the size of the other pictures.
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    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    Yeah.. this is my first grow... so scared haha... was afraid to supercrop and bend too much... there just wasn't room at all before I removed the cloning chamber.
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    Hi, don't panic too bad... To me it looks like calyx, still early though give it a little longer and update us of any significant changes.
  19. C

    Any mushroom growers doing PF Tek? Got a question.

    Here are some pics.... As can be seen, the white stops a little bit below the lid. This is the verm/flour mix. The dry verm top is higher up (I might not have gone deep enough with the dry verm.
  20. C

    Tragedy? How bad is this?

    Hi everyone... Well... I came home today to the main cola on my strongest White Widow being burnt today from the HPS. My plants were quickly outgrowing my cabinet and I planned on remedying the property Saturday night; however, I didn't make it fast enough. Here is a picture: Any...