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  1. tightpockt

    Convection for air exchange?

    Also, would the hot air pass through a 12" x 12" x 1" thick layer of carbon?
  2. tightpockt

    Convection for air exchange?

    I'm re-configuring my cabinet and switching out HID for LED and along with that I'm changing my whole exhaust system and was just wondering with a 10" hole at the top of the cabinet could I just use natural convection to let the heat escape from my cabinet?
  3. tightpockt

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder
  4. tightpockt

    Man has his reputation raped at college

    Lol..chappelle's the best! Heard he's doing a new HBO special
  5. tightpockt

    Man has his reputation raped at college

    I follow the same rule..i've turned down a few drunk chicks specifically for this reason. However, that doesn't make it rape. Also, there's two sides to the coin. He was just as drunk, why wasn't his consent questioned?
  6. tightpockt

    Man has his reputation raped at college

    So if this happens 3 weeks later it's not rape?
  7. tightpockt

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    prediction...if history is an indicator, this guy wont do a day of jail time
  8. tightpockt

    Man has his reputation raped at college Read..discuss Not only did these people cause harm and damage to this kids life they also in effect raped the girl too. Now she's all...
  9. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Rust water?
  10. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Got some today, i planned on using epsom initially but the stores were closed and i was high and impatient last felt like the more I looked at it the worse it got
  11. tightpockt

    Looks like overwatered in coco. But I havent watered them in days.

    Lol..this is all fucked up. First he transplanted from soil to coco which have drastically different ph and nutrient requirements and then says he hasnt watered for a week? Lol..good luck with all that bro..
  12. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Word. That's what I'm looking for. Even though my CFLs and LEDs are both supposed to be 5000k you can definitely tell that the CFLs are a warmer color. The LED's are crisp and brighter.
  13. tightpockt

    Christians not wanting to do business with gays...

    What I don't understand is this; why do they focus on gays? It says right in the same chapter that tattoos are bad, talks about shelfish etc...There are sooooo many things to judge people over why did they pick homosexuality? My theory is that their religion is based on guilt and guilt makes...
  14. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Why? Have a source? Not being a dick, just want to know. I tried researching didn't come up with much
  15. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Once again...a totally useless post by realcryles
  16. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    So my hot water heater should have a magnesium diode in it, which makes me think the mg content in my hot water should be higher. I'll try feeding or foliar spraying with that to see if it helps. If not I'll go the calmag route.
  17. tightpockt

    How bad was/is bootcamp

    Air Force boot camp is suuuuuper easy. Here's some advice. Chose a field you can make good money at when you get out. If they're gonna train you take advantage and let them train you in something you can actually use. I don't know anything about Logistics and planning..can you make money at it...
  18. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL're so fucking stupid it's almost a shame. This thread was created asking if plants grow differently under LED's and if there are any known deficiency issues and if so why. Now either you have some info or you don't. It seems like you don't (you never do) so just bounce and troll...
  19. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Funny...with all of your supposed expertise I've never once seen you write anything that's actually useful...not even once.
  20. tightpockt

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?! You've mentioned how you worked for a dispensary like 1000000000 times when nobody even asked. So again...WHO GIVES A FUCK?