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  1. Crippykeeper


    I hope to god anybody shipping things they shouldn’t would not be putting their real address and info on the packages.
  2. Crippykeeper


    You hit it on the head my temps run high. i live in the heat average temps outside 90s with ton of humidity. Unfortunately the coldest my room can get while lights on is 74/75 at lights off its cold af but i know if i could get things colder things would look nicer.
  3. Crippykeeper


    Im not sweating it smells good looks good ill know if It is a keeper in a few weeks.
  4. Crippykeeper


    Thanks for the validation im gonna go buy some of your beans so i can be a really boy one day.
  5. Crippykeeper


    Mail unrooted cuts. It isn’t a tree if it dont have roots. Plus at that stage in life no thc in them so its still cbd/hemp till grown and thc develops
  6. Crippykeeper


    It could be me perhaps Im not showing them the love they are used to. I have 5 different strains going in same tent all getting the same feed. I will say that they are oily/greasy. And at time i took picture they were about 4/5 weeks left to chop. There is still time for development
  7. Crippykeeper


    Sexy ladies there
  8. Crippykeeper


    Will do
  9. Crippykeeper


    Its super frosty and looks like killer smoke. I dont think ive smoke any of the cakes yet. Is like cookies ? Or are they adding the cake to the names cause they look frosted with crystals
  10. Crippykeeper


    Thats a beast
  11. Crippykeeper


    Beautiful plants man. They are selling supernova cut on strainly of purple punch. I was thinking of grabbing it.
  12. Crippykeeper


    Those are looking lovely specially that stardawg sexy.
  13. Crippykeeper


    I ended up buying two cuts from him the rudeboi og#1 and the sour diesel from archive Portland. The diesel still dont smell like what I remember as sour diesel but his rudeboi og does smell like his description on strainly. So i have high hopes that the sour d will come. The cuts i got from...
  14. Crippykeeper


    I will post my honest opinion of the stuff im buying from strainly if its not legit ill toss and post my opinion that its bunk. Then look for another vendor hopefully ill find the right one. People get bent out of shape cause you talking about their babies. Them some healthy looking cuts...
  15. Crippykeeper


    Here it is the post i did of this cut I clearly state i hope it’s legit. I hope she is legit so i could share her.
  16. Crippykeeper


    On my original post of the archive sour diesel cut i bought off strainly from redrum genetics i say it in the post. I can not say its legit yet. I don’t believe that the cuts archive Portland is selling to public is Archives aka the doctors breeder cuts. I do believe the cut I purchased...
  17. Crippykeeper


    Im still wanting to see his weed. The good one. Ive seen this fool talking shit to people for the last few months. And always wondered why this debo alter-ego wanna be was so jelly that he couldn’t help but talk shit to good people for no reason. Must be have microdick problem in real world so...
  18. Crippykeeper


    Where are the pictures of your weed. Not that babit airy shit you posted a whole half eight of. Show us all those elites you have.
  19. Crippykeeper


    No you went and talk shit about a cut I personally got from a friend. As for the sour diesel i just posted. If youd take the time to read back i to have said that the possibility still stands that what i bought off strainly still maybe bunk cause I haven’t finished flowering any. You just like...
  20. Crippykeeper


    No i do want you to post you pictures that is what this website is about. Not shit talking from a distance. Keyboard gangsters.