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  1. Mcjesus

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Hittin' dat chillum. Damn im faded
  2. Mcjesus

    Porn for girls - ladies only - no boobies allowed

    I love how women always get excited to try and "fix" or change a guy, but once they realize they can't they get all pissed off. Haha just seems funny
  3. Mcjesus

    Mixing buds with opiates?

    Bumpity bump bump!!!!!!!
  4. Mcjesus

    So fucking happy m.j, back in my life!!!!

    Hell yeah dude, let us know how it turns out man :)
  5. Mcjesus

    Mixing buds with opiates?

    Dude, im baked listening to groovy tunes and chilling on 30 mgs of hydrocodone. I smoked the weed in my new piece. Its a sherlock called Watson and it has two streames of diechrome and is filling in with a purple blue color. Its so sick. So anyways, anybody ever mix herb with opiates? Or am I...
  6. Mcjesus

    answer a question with a question

    isn't a skin flute a penis?
  7. Mcjesus

    Fuckin Rolly-Pollies

    Well I found about 4 more plants in another grow spot, all sprouts, that I planted earlier in the week. Transported them and ended up with 4 in pots w/ soil and 3 plants(prob only 2 soon though, one was a hella grunt) in the earth. Im hoping to transport 3 of them to a friends grow though. Im...
  8. Mcjesus

    Fuckin Rolly-Pollies

    I just wanna know what ate my sprout then.
  9. Mcjesus

    Fuckin Rolly-Pollies

    Well then can someone explain why they were in a cup with a fresh sprout and no dead or decomposing material?
  10. Mcjesus

    Fuckin Rolly-Pollies

    SO.....................I move my second sprout to a 16 oz. cup with some fresh soil and put it in my grow spot next to my other, slightly more mature sprout, and leave for the night. I wake up, check my sprouts and the original one is perfect but the newly transfered sprout was no where to be...
  11. Mcjesus

    I'm smoking fan leaf stems tonight! (pics)

    Happy smoking man
  12. Mcjesus

    Just got my license, was wondering where to get seed

    Use bagseed on your first grow so if anything goes wrong you won't be out a lot of money for some expensive seeds.
  13. Mcjesus


    Btw, double post, I googled sea of green and WOW. Now I know how I want to grow in the future.
  14. Mcjesus


    Thanks yeah, this is my first grow and my mother plant is planted and sprouting so Im thinking ahead. I just want to grow a plant or two and see if I can actually get some plants and buds harvested. Thanks again, this website has a wealth of knowledge on growing.
  15. Mcjesus


    I was just reading over the How To Grow Marijuana thread and read that after you grow a mother and cut clones you can put the clones straight into the flowering stage. Is this true?(Btw, I know how noobish this sounds) Will someone please explain this.
  16. Mcjesus

    newb cloning question

    Yes, with the same genetics as the mother.
  17. Mcjesus

    Clones or mothers?

    Yeah thanks, i think I'll just grow the mothers since im doing an outdoor grow and will prob only get to harvest one crop which'll be in October. Unless my friend CAN get a generator.
  18. Mcjesus

    ~Help Me Out!!I Got The Growin' Bug!!!!~SomeBody Stop Me!!!!~

    I have a place that I go to that always has about 10 or so seeds laying around. If I can go there and cop a few tommorow I'll have you PM me your address. The weed is about mids.
  19. Mcjesus

    Clones or mothers?

    I have some seeds that are germinated and plan on planting soon. I was wondering if I should try to grow and flower the mother plants or use clones and why?