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  1. coolman1a

    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    Dam that looks nice, if i were you i would start germinating RIGHT now:-)
  2. coolman1a

    My First grow

    Wow man they look really healthy:-). How old are they? and how long have they been in flowering?
  3. coolman1a

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    Beatutifull!!! but you still have some time left joe, i read on here(RIU) that you gotta look at the trichs not the hairs, plus i really think theyr gonna start getting real fat soon:-)
  4. coolman1a

    First Grow

    Nice:-) how old are they?
  5. coolman1a

    being tested in 4 days

    Well did you pass???
  6. coolman1a

    Backyard growing

    Dam i cant believe no ones every done this b4, sounds like a really good idea:-)
  7. coolman1a

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    Hey joe theyr growin slowly because they started growin in the paper towel, this same thing happend to a friend of mine and they got stunted for a few days, but theyl catch up soon.
  8. coolman1a

    Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

    Hey man they look pretty good, you should really think about this: Use the rubbermaid box for veg and use the tent for flower, at the same time. If you can figure out the right timing you can get continuous harvest like every 4 weeks or so:-)
  9. coolman1a

    My First grow

    Wow, i guess i can now say from experience that emergency blanket isnt the best thing to use. Prepare to see some real buds start to form:-)
  10. coolman1a

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    Dam, sign me up i cant wait till they start budding, you should think about LST man give u a lot of bud sites:-)
  11. coolman1a

    My First grow

    It was on a post a while ago that i saw it, it holds in heat instead of letting it be exhausted out.
  12. coolman1a

    My First Grow

    Hey what ever happened to this grow!
  13. coolman1a

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    Hey is this "white" rhino supposed to be this color? They look great man good job:-)
  14. coolman1a

    My First grow

    Hey Metal, i shoulve said this earlier but i didnt think the temps were too bad, anyways that emergency blanket, i read that its made to absorb a lot of heat and only reflects like 50-60% of light, maybe you should get the reflectors for the car winshields im sure theyll work a lot better:-)
  15. coolman1a

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    Wow man keeping the rhino really paid off, is it possible to take some pics of the girls with a lighter or something next to them, i bet you could get some nice js off that rhino:-)
  16. coolman1a

    being tested in 4 days

    I heard from many sources that if you eat a lot and dont exercise for like a week before the test then any thc left in your fat cells wont leak to your piss
  17. coolman1a

    First Grow: 2 18-Gallon Rubbermaids & CFLs(Pics)

    O ya ive been following your grow for a long time cant wait till the tent comes:-)
  18. coolman1a

    First Grow: 2 18-Gallon Rubbermaids & CFLs(Pics)

    Yea the next time i grow in my place its gonna be an all out proffessional type of thing with a grow tent and everything indoors but for now i gotta stick with my friend untill my lease is up in couple of years:-(
  19. coolman1a

    being tested in 4 days

    Yea they im pretty sure they do, anyways i really think youll pass(MJ) but be a lazy slob without any exercise and eat a lot untill the test.
  20. coolman1a

    Recipe for iced weed tea?

    Thanks man, both of you. Have you guys tried weed coffee? like half milk & bud and the other half coffee?