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  1. Flindagrow

    What type of oscillating fan?

    Is it possible that i need to buy baby stroller fan for the grow tent?lol on many youtube video i see cool ones
  2. Flindagrow

    What type of oscillating fan?

    What type of oscillaing fans are yall using?i have 2 5 inch i bought off amazon but they seem to fail every 6 months.any suggestion on where to find some good ones?thanks
  3. Flindagrow

    Is this a good light for $150?

    3x3x6 why avoid burple?
  4. Flindagrow

    Is this a good light for $150?

  5. Flindagrow

    Anyone else use great value LED's?

    Also if i were you i would take off the plastic dome,that plastic is good to spread the light around and you want all the light projected to the plant
  6. Flindagrow

    Anyone else use great value LED's?

    Yeah i grow seedlings with greatvalue but i use the 13watts.they do great untill plants get 1/2 weeks old.the harvest for that will be good for 1 joint.good experiment but its not efficient growing with that low power unless is a seedling.
  7. Flindagrow

    Mushrooms in medium

    I wouldnt water for sure but like i said,stick your finger in the soil and soften it want the top soil to be soft.
  8. Flindagrow

    Mushrooms in medium

    Are you sure its potting soil and not garden soil?there is perlite so i would assume it is potting soil.
  9. Flindagrow

    Mushrooms in medium

    So you’re saying that you havent watered in 5 days?and the top soil is still that wet?wow that soil is really crap.the stem also looks pretty small IMO(girth wise)....the day after i water my top soil is dry already...
  10. Flindagrow

    Post that might be frowned upon

    Best answer you can give em is to stay away from that shit.
  11. Flindagrow

    Its been quite some time.

    It is like riding a bicycle,at least it was for didnt hurt to blow some dust off the manuals.
  12. Flindagrow

    Mushrooms in medium

    What i would do is poke some hole in the soil with a pencil to make sure they get plenty of air,it helps with overwatered plants,top half inch of the soil should look nice and fluffy not compact.when you put your finger in the soil to check the moisture,you should be able to get trough the top...
  13. Flindagrow

    Mushrooms in medium

    RH=relative humidity.humidity is fine but with your problem you definately want it on the lower side. Personally the only thing that worries me is that the micelium might compact the soil to much and suffocate the plant,how the soil looks at the top of the pot?
  14. Flindagrow

    Mushrooms in medium

    Never seen anything like that in indoor,outdoor yes.some mushroom spores are beneficial,i use innoculants that works similar to mushrooms spores,outdoor i use to chuck any mushroom growth right away,plants always did fine.micelium is still in the soil,even if you chop the mush the plant...
  15. Flindagrow

    Is this leaf discoloration from genetics?

    Why would i wanna do that?i’m already at 28inch away from canopy
  16. Flindagrow

    Is this leaf discoloration from genetics?

    Everything else is on track,the plants are 4 weeks old,almost ready to switch to bloom.seeds are femminised and i had to chuck a plant of the same batch because it was growing very thin and fragile,plant in question is a blueberry widow. Second grow indoor,still getting used to all this fancy...
  17. Flindagrow

    Is this leaf discoloration from genetics?

    Thanks,out of the all plants those are the only leaves affected.
  18. Flindagrow


    I need to try Coco!i’m on my second indoor,always growed outdoor in the past!thanks for the reply!
  19. Flindagrow


    I have plants that shows overwatering sintoms right after watering,like whitin 10 min from watering and go away in 2/3 hours...i wait untill soil bone dry when watering.maybe i go to far into letting it dry?or i give to much water at once?still figuring that out.they dont wilt for underwatering.