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  1. chosuichi inu

    white widow in need

    and how close are you to them ???? those 2 fans look terrible but the rest not too bad. try going with straight ph'ed water in your system for a couple days. on 2nd look its not the lights. whats your ppm ???? changing your water regularly
  2. chosuichi inu

    Nutrient Questions?!?

    yeah man......2tsp per gallon is plennnnnty. i started with the same nutes. as long as they're germinated with a couple leaves you can start. i feed 3 times then just a water feed with a little "superthrive" added. feed 3 more times then water....keeps the salts from building up. the advanced...
  3. chosuichi inu

    First Indoor Grow

    stems are fine. looks perty sweet.have you decided on nutes ???? don't spend a buncha $$$$ on the plant food. move the air with some good ventilation, don't overthink it and you're gonna be a happy man come oct
  4. chosuichi inu

    Switching HPS to MH in middle of veg?

    thats the popular opinion but hps makes for stronger/denser plants
  5. chosuichi inu

    no sex yet was up wit this

    yeah man you're at the beck and call of mother nature. once you see the days getting shorter keep a close eye out. some are gonna be males so get enm out as quickly and careully as possible. for now look or early hints of sex. double pistil out of grow spots is the one i look for. it shows early...
  6. chosuichi inu

    Switching HPS to MH in middle of veg?

    don't do it........i use hps all the way thru and my temps avg 85 sometimes higher. don't listen to all the environment bs you'll see. its a pot plant, period. they love the heat and humidity. best plants grow naturally outdoors right ???? unless you live in paradise i know its not a constant...
  7. chosuichi inu

    Don't think we're preparing for war w/ Iran?

    good to be here.
  8. chosuichi inu

    Don't think we're preparing for war w/ Iran?

    and the beat goes on.........the more things change....the more they stay the same. we're coming out of the most violent century in history......did something happen to the human race i'm not aware of ???? why would anyone be suprised ???? we are a war like people.....period. since day 1 and no...
  9. chosuichi inu

    whats wrong w/pics

    when a cutting starts to root you get the discoloration of the remaininfg leaves.alls you see is the cutting starting to put roots into the rockwool therefor pulling energy from the remaining plaant.......on second look......making the trans from flower back to veg then to root. they do get ugly...
  10. chosuichi inu

    Customs Notice

    the company i ordered my buttons from was nlseed....been going with nirvana ever since and no prob.
  11. chosuichi inu

    Customs Notice

    got the same thing......they take your buttons...thats all, order some more, thats what i did and got them in the next shipment
  12. chosuichi inu

    Raising Ph

    you can also check the local hardware, wal-mart, lowes etc. i saw a test kit for $5 that will give you all the info you need about your soil.