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  1. 415medical

    Clones dying HELP!!

    Oh, i forgot to add, these are clones, and are ready to VEG? and they all started dropping after 2 hrs of watering? too high nute or too low ph? any help thanks
  2. 415medical

    Clones dying HELP!!

    :cry:Hi guys, im a newbie here. My clones are dying.. I moved the 1 inch cubes to 4 in cubes today. 1000 watt MH. (blu Light). GH Nutes at 500-600 ppm. i used micro, grow, bloom, all the same amounts, cal-mag, and some root stimulator today! Do you guys think i used too much nutes all at...
  3. 415medical

    Potash Plus Anyone?

    Hi, has anyone tried potash plus before? DOes it make a difference in yield? Also does anyone know does potash work alone, or can i add it on top of my GH Flora nutes? thanks
  4. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    thanks for the offer stuck like chuck. I prefer to keep my grow room private due to LE issues. My buddie did c02 before and i actually saw great yields. had 12 lights in the same set-up. 1per light. 12x14 room. Now i downsized it to 6 lights in a 12x14 room. i hope ill get 1per light. all...
  5. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    SHOULD i use c02? I have the set -up, but its so hard. I have to re-fill the 50 gal tubes every week and its so damn heavy to move around!!! any other solutions instead?
  6. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    i think i have more, cause i have 2 more veg in a separate tent room. I would love to have any inputs on what addictives to put to make the yeild more bigger and heavier. My buddy just left me and i dont have a clue on what addictives to add. I've just used the phosphoload 2 weeks ago. They...
  7. 415medical

    New clones HELP

    i have a ph and ppm reader. thanks lucky. im just using plain7.0 tap water with ph down.
  8. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    yeah, it is huge, and im paying for it every month!!! I hope these guys will turn out good.. Its actually not that hot.. i mean, when i water them, i don't break sweat or anything, so its not that bad.. I have another 6 1000 watters set up waiting for veg!!
  9. 415medical

    New clones HELP

    thanks luckyshot, i should just start by using small amounts of nuts and gradually go up right? i have 50 plants that flowering right now, my buddy left them with me to flower, so i never got to veg them. So right now i need these baby rooted clones to veg, so that i can flower them when my...
  10. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    yeah, im in the 415 GW. Are you in the 415? I will post some pics on monday and see what you guys think?
  11. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    haha, funny. thanks. i just dont want my plants to die, cause alot of money invested and time. i need to take a 2day trip, so should i have someone water it?
  12. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    yeah, ill have some pics up on monday, but do you guys think it'll be okay for 2days without watering?
  13. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    Hi guys, if i dont water the plants for 2 days, do you think they'll be fine. i have currently 6 1000 running 12/12 for 3 weeks? And i just soaked them with plain ph water today before i left? help?
  14. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    do you guys think i should of cut out the samll bottom small buds and trash them, since they wont be getting that much light or any light?
  15. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    i'm paying 1k per month. I hope this works well, need to make some of the money invest back. yeah its maybe 14x12. I have a huge fan blowing air out, no intake. i rigged something myself where the sir is sucked in from the outake taking air out? Its so cramped in there now. I hate watering...
  16. 415medical

    Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?

    I have 6 x 1000 watt in a 12x12 room. i really i hope i get 1 per light. i would be so happy. this is gonna be my first grow. Oh yeah. i have about 50 plants in 5 gallon buckets with rocks on the bottom and baby cubes on the top. Watering them every day is a b****. i've just added some...
  17. 415medical

    New clones HELP

    Hi guys, im running a hydro / flood system. Also, i was gonna feed them GH FLora Micro, grow, bloom. Just started roots and i was wondering what ppm should it be at? Should i put some florablend addictive in it also? Its gonna be in cubes / rockwool. Should i be using cal - mag while they...