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  1. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    Babies are now 8 days old...looks like runt is definitely a goner as roots have started to turn yellow & top growth is stunted at one set of leaves:( That will leave me at 7 MLI seedlings. DOme is in process of being removed so plants are in bottom of machine for this process. Will obtain...
  2. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    Well I checked my babies this morning & all is going well....looks like my runt (small & leaves curling under) may be giving up the ghost but I'm gonna keep watching as I've done everything I know to do for it (adjusted position in dome in relation to lite...fresh air):( other 7 are nice &...
  3. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    Hi pink..thanks for the good info.... prolly I should've grown some bag seed to get my feet wet but no turning back now!! lol Fishen..are the white perch biting where you are? So glad to meet someone with a bloombox....what do you think? 5day old seedlings? Leave in dome or plant in bottom...
  4. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    So far so good as far as I can tell....all 8 of my babies are still alive with roots showing out bottom of rockwool & 1/2 are putting on 2nd set of "true" leaves. This is after 4 days under the lite... Am assuming I need to wait until I have lots of roots to plant in 3" rockwool? Who knew...
  5. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    Thanks Pink...these seeds came from Sensi over in Amsterdam that's why they cost so darn much & not feminised seeds either, LOL Just didn't want to mail order or grow this dirt weed we have around here. OK, so where should I have my babies? They seem to be thriving but please do tell me the...
  6. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    Lol...can't say I feel the same on the virgin territory but am happy to have an ear nonetheless, LOL According to BCNL this is how it's done...crack the seeds in paper towel & a lil water....plant seeds about 1/2" down into ph balanced pre-soaked 1" rockwool then place in clone dome in dark...
  7. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    ok so no responses or anything but I think I'm still doing ok with my babies. Checked them this morning & they're holding at T87F & H 88% so I'm happy....some of the stems are turning a purple color. My gut is telling me just keep lifting that lid a few times a day & let them do their...
  8. MaryJane777

    Welcome New Members!

    Wanted to say hello to all...30 something virgin female grower here soaking up the wealth of information this site has to offer. Be gentle...I may be a babe in diapers now but one day I'll walk!!! Hope your evening is fabulous:peace:
  9. MaryJane777

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    Hi, virgin grower here in need of serious tutoring!! Have BCNL Bloombox up & running ($5500 in the hole). Recently germinated 8 Jack Flash them sprouted & under light in clone dome. After about 10 days began venting lid off dome to "harden" the babes...they died within 8 hrs...
  10. MaryJane777

    Who are you? a/s/l

    38/f/in the woods Virgin hydroponics grower 5 days thinking I need some help but don't even know where to begin, LOL Anyone interested in helping?