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  1. ChronicCapnomancy

    MJ Crescendo's White Berry Closet Grow - 150w HPS

    Nice shit man!!...I wonder where you could find a place so perfect for your grow!!
  2. ChronicCapnomancy

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Great work Widow Maker!
  3. ChronicCapnomancy

    My Babies

    Your "Babies" do look pretty good and that 150w HPS light will help a lot! My friend and I bought one for a grow it made such a difference and did a whole lot better than our CFL and flourescents
  4. ChronicCapnomancy

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Buddy! Your bud is lookin pretty nice! Im not an expert by any means but i would probably give it more time. It gains the bulk of its weight in the last stages of flowering!
  5. ChronicCapnomancy

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone! I just started my profile today but my best friend has had one for a few months now. We have done a bagseed grow and are planning on starting a white berry grow in the near future. What are all your thoughts on white berry and what advice do you have on a solid closet grow (we...
  6. ChronicCapnomancy

    Harvest music, I need a playlist!

    311 and Pepper are also real good!
  7. ChronicCapnomancy

    Harvest music, I need a playlist!

    Burn One Down by Ben Harper
  8. ChronicCapnomancy

    Need Help Please (my plants may be dying)

    This could be a pH problem in your soil. Adding Dolomite Lime to your soil will bring a more acidic soil pH back up to a neutral zone
  9. ChronicCapnomancy

    Bagseed under a 150w HPS harvest

    I'm proud to say that I will be able to smoke this fine specimen known as Eleanor! You need a better pic of the bubbler though, its kinda blurry