Harvest music, I need a playlist!


Active Member
My first harvest is only a couple days away and I just realized that I don't have any music set up for when I cut her down and chop her up! Does anyone have a special marijuana related song(s) that they think would compliment a first time harvest? I have one song in particular and that's Freshies by Keller Williams, I really don't want to loop that song for an hour but I will if I have to! Any suggestions?
I'll post pics after I get home today.


Junior Creatologist
The entire 311 GrassRoots Album, and the Entire 311 Soundsystem Album. Feelgood music for a feelgood fuckin activity man :D

Have some Peter Tosh as a backup plan in case clipping takes longer than planned. N of course some Marley - Chant Down Babylon or Kaia works :D

** N anything by KottonMouth Kings or K1NgSpade - SrH - Stoners Reeking Havok ;)


Well-Known Member
The link that is my sig... If you don't like the whole mix trip on 50 minutes in and from ~147 minutes to the end. You'll know the right part when he says he doesn't want you to smoke no genetically modified... Ganja!

(not all weed songs at all, but it's all got that theme)


Well-Known Member
wasted by goldfinger
chassing the buzz by underground heroes
and of the tracks from the raveology 2008 promo cd.