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  1. JDawg701

    Flowering Times 12on 12off or 9on 15off????

    lights cfls 8 of em at 23 watts soils ...blooming nutes just started them now...i gotta friend that told me so this so i thought id try it out but ask around to first
  2. JDawg701

    Flowering Times 12on 12off or 9on 15off????

    because i was told if you lower ur lighting to stay on only for 9 hours then ur plant has 15 hours of darkness meaning it will grow better because the buds grow when the lights are off ....
  3. JDawg701

    Flowering Times 12on 12off or 9on 15off????

    ive had my plants on 12 12 for awhile almost 6 weeks n there still kinda gonna move em to 9 15 will this increase my yield....i heard the buds tend grow bigger when lights are out longer
  4. JDawg701

    Anybody ever got a half o out of flowering using 13 watt cfls

    just asking pretty much a waste of time but for someone doing a computer pc grow in a little box like that just say they did use 13 watt at maybe 3 cfls inside the box how much would they get off one plant starting seed from 12 hrs of light on and off ?? i know its a pretty lame stupid question...
  5. JDawg701

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    im looking at 45 watt cfls or 85 watt cfls the 85 are really expensive for one .....wondering if the 45 will do the trick if i put 6 of em in there ???
  6. JDawg701

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    thanks anymore advice would be good from anyone right now ...using the 23 watts of light to save on the energy bill or id get a 400 watt bulb plus for that lil closet i have it be insanly hott for the plants cause its so small and id have to have the doors closed all the time this is why i went...
  7. JDawg701

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    600 wow thats unreal ive seen people use lil light and still get some good results im guessing illl have to buy myself some 45 watt cfls or something
  8. JDawg701

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    so do you think these nutes will help and im assuming i could use more light but i have gotten bigger buds off 6 13watt cfls before im using 6 23watt so i should be getting better
  9. JDawg701

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    Im using 6 23watt cfl over top in the center ...looks like a lil ufo sorta ...ill post a pic later....but what really weird is ive grown with like 6 cfls before with lower wattage lighting and the buds turned out to be monsterous heres a pic of the old one with no nutes from seed to end with just mg
  10. JDawg701

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    i just picked up some bloom nutes for my plant as its loosing colour and starting to get spots and dry up and fall off on the lower branches...i havnt use any nutes yet its my first time so im adding 1 teaspoon to half a gallon of water.....can anyone give me some pointers or anything im using...
  11. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    for NPK - the system works like N is the first number P the 2nd and K the 3rd ?....and whats the K stand for i know nitrogen and potassiam i heard the 3rd was something called potash so im not understanding K
  12. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    so if anything when im looking for blooming nutes make sure the lower the numbers the better ?....and is it worth adding it to my plant with a month left off flowering?
  13. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    thatboyis1uvakind said im good this is normal i really dont need to do anything the plant will be find from what im doing to it now......i gotta feeling if i fuck with nutes ill screw it right up .......n using bloom with 1 month left would it be worth it in such short time left in...
  14. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    so when im looking for numbers what should i look for to make sure i got a proper bloom without over burn or without killing my plant ...
  15. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    i dunno with all this 3-12-6 numbers or w,e but what would i look for cause i know theres all kinds of diff types i dunno what would be best if im out looking around and see a few blooming nutes i could pick up i wouldnt know what would be best and not nute burn it
  16. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    would this be a good thing to use for blooming --
  17. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    what type of veggie food and for a bloom what would you suggest monster bloom or something and how would i feed it acquired to soil in a pot last time i tried adding stuff like nutes or w.e i burnt the plant this is why i never use any nutes or anything just MG soil and water would i feed...
  18. JDawg701

    5 to 6 weeks into flowering...DYING LEAFS YELLOWING AND SPOT PROBLEMS !!HELP!!

    hi there im about 5 to 6 weeks into flowering and have started to see the lower leafs yellowing by the day slowly starting to make there way up im guessing also seeing spots and certain brown lil bloches and stuff on bigger leafs but other smaller ones are fine......i did have my fan...
  19. JDawg701

    400 watt ballast keeps turning off then turning on so mad

    heres the specs on the ballast and bullb bulb - Artemis HG s51 LU400W/T/Plant ballast - siegeng 400w HPS & MH