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  1. sourdiesel404

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    i need to go to budding soon but dont know if i should with it looking like that ive fed it many times the yellow leaves seem to not go away like im not giving it enough juat screwing me up dont know what to do
  2. sourdiesel404

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    about a week ago with jacks classics 20-20-20 an im suppose to feed this upcoming water in a few days thanks for the feedback kumestorm
  3. sourdiesel404

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    uploaded the pics
  4. sourdiesel404

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    no its indoor i have a closet grow also some of the stems are purple
  5. sourdiesel404

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    Ok so i put dolomite lime in my soil to raise the soils Ph an my leaves are yellow with some spotting i feed jacks classics 20 20 20 new growth is a lush green but old leaves pale green With whitesh spots i thought was nute burn but no browning of tips i watered 2 days ago with phd water to 6.8...
  6. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    does happy frog soil need extra d lime in it? im transplanting into flower from a 1.5gallon pot to a 3.4 gallon pot an my soil right now is 7.2-7.1
  7. sourdiesel404

    happy frog

    so happy frog should be good soil for budding?
  8. sourdiesel404

    happy frog

    doesnt ffof have high nitrogen though? i thought higher pk values were for budding an a lower (n) nitrogen levels an thanks for the replies any feedback appreciated rep assured
  9. sourdiesel404

    Leaves are not happy

    rep for you john dee!!! i agree with him 100%
  10. sourdiesel404

    happy frog

    i need to transplant my baby into a new pot for budding so it can stretch good an i was wondering if happy frog would be a good soil to use or is it too high in nitrogen like ffof?(for budding) an also should i add dolomite lime? thanks in advance!!
  11. sourdiesel404

    PH of dolomite lime ?

    asking cause i use d.lime to raise my ph but i dont want my ph to be above 7
  12. sourdiesel404

    PH of dolomite lime ?

    is this 100% sure what u are saying and widely recognized cause theyres alotta controversial stuff saying the ph of d.lime is 8-10
  13. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    yea its definitely getting some growth back i ttopped yesterday in two spots and theyre already sprouting!
  14. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    i go with botanicare preferrably fox farm caused lockout for me my last grow
  15. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    awesome thanks stlbudz an my plant seems to be getting alil happier since i fed it not as droopy since i fed it an more green to it again d.lime on top of that an im set thanks man!!
  16. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    yea transplanting is out of the question right now just moved into a 1 gallon an have no soil right now working on getting FFOF cause i herd it was a great soil for weed with alot less ph issues how much should i put on top of the soil? an can i do this next water even though i watered with cal...
  17. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    so im buying dolomite lime to fix that ph problem can ijust sprinkle some on top of soil and water in ? thanks
  18. sourdiesel404

    help noob

    so i fed my plant tonight with jacks classic all purpose 20-20-20 with a bit of cal mag an phd the water to 6.7-6.8 an ran the whole gallon through it an i tested the runoff at 5.5 i thought if i flush with nutrients an a gallon of water through 3/4 gallon of soil it would go to that ph am i...
  19. sourdiesel404

    Sexing during veg...need guesses! LOL

    im almost positive if you have the 2 little green hairs at each node or stem its female could be wrong though im not a expert looks like it could use nitrogen though
  20. sourdiesel404

    questins on nutes

    as i dont want N toxicity an i dont wanna lockout other nutes by giving too much nitrogen if thats possible feedback from anybody is appreciated im a noob