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  1. kodak91

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    thanks. I said per gallon, but im actually from europe :lol: Wait.. But perlite is 72% Silicon dioxide, thats silica.
  2. kodak91

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    I wanna try Dr. Bugbee mix. How much Dolomite Lime and Gypsum should i add per gallon? Also can i change vermiculite for perlite?
  3. kodak91

    So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction

    So the OP tried to violate the company policy and got mad because the employees refused to risk their job? Smh...
  4. kodak91

    Stupid conspiracy theorists

    we all already carry a chip that track our data everywhere we go... Its called an smartphone..
  5. kodak91

    Stupid conspiracy theorists

    @puffdatchronic so your source was The Sun ?? LMAO
  6. kodak91

    Stupid conspiracy theorists

    why did u cut off the link / source from that article ? Show source
  7. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    The first pictures were taken before lights going off tho. I see your point but watch the pics in the original post, the curling was severe, i doubt it was normal activity... The new growth pointing up might be normal like what you say, just new growth that stretched a lot in the last 24h..
  8. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    last update: Leaves back to normal 10 hours after "semi" flush and raising up the light. Photos before and after. Thanks for the replies guys.
  9. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    @Moflow only now i had the time to see that thread. Very interesting, thanks for sharing. The leaves are almost back to normal, just a slight curl now. If the problem was low PH on the rootzone would it be solved this quick? I was inclined to think lightstress because how fast the leaves...
  10. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    Thanks. Yea no doubt, im always checking for bugs.. My intake is not filtered and dust gets it, need to improve that.
  11. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    Its dust and ashes from smoking inside the growtent
  12. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    u think 40% is a issue? I had way lower then that before without any problem. Most of the time is at around 50% tho. I have humidifier running 24/7
  13. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    I had measure the 24in "by hand" so it might have been less then that, i didnt use a tape measure. Thanks, i've seen that PAR map and actually have it bookmarked. Im aware that a Luxmeter app from android is not very accurate but i think its accurate enough to draw some conclusions. I just...
  14. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    Its 4 autos and 1 photo. The autos just started to flower. yeah i try to follow the VPD chart and i got a humidifier. RH% is around 40%
  15. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    update: leaves got gradually better after lights went off. I also plain watered till run-off. I've concluded it was light stress. Even tho my hps600W was 24in away, i just measured with a luxmeter android app and it turns out i was getting 100k lux or 1300 umol/s/m2 at canopy level. This amount...
  16. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    Biobizz all-mix organic soil. Organic bottled nutes. Feeding 1/2 of the recommended strength. PH at 6.5. Dont have EC meter.
  17. kodak91

    Leaves curling upwards. Closing up.

    Hey guys, need help. One of my Zkittlez top leaves started looking very weird overnight. Leaves curling upwards and completely closing up. I never saw this before and couldnt find anything similar on the internet. Its definitely not heatstress. The temps have been between 21-28ºC - (70-80F)...
  18. kodak91

    Soil ph info needed!

    Hmm ok. 50/60 is good. For organic soil ph at 6.5, but im not familiar with what soil u are using... Dunno if RO water is necessary , its probably causing calcium deficiency.. but dont quote me on that. Wait for more experienced users to give some feedback. Did you measure the runoff ?
  19. kodak91

    Soil ph info needed!

    Also, the leaves look like phosphorus or calcium deficiency.. How old is the plant? Many 'hot' mix soils run out of calcium after 4/5 weeks... Especially if your tapwater is "soft" or if you'r using RO water..
  20. kodak91

    Soil ph info needed!

    27ºC in what humidity levels?? My guess is that u have very low VPD which makes leaves transpire too much and end up looking like that... Moisture stress for a prolonged time can also lead to nutrient lockout and nutrient build up in the soil since the leaves are taking up water too fast and...