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  1. Hydrotron

    When should i clone....and when should i start flowering.. plzzz help guys

    as long as you have 3 nodes at least go ahead and cut below the third one. clone now just don't wait to clone after flowering as it takes sooo long for plants to revert back to veg state I would say as long as it is in veg state and not seedling state you will be ok. approx 4 weeks is a good...
  2. Hydrotron

    any advice on new outdoor growers?

    A 30x jewelers loupe will work also you can get one for about 3$ on
  3. Hydrotron

    any advice on new outdoor growers?

    That microscope can be found at radio shack btw.
  4. Hydrotron

    any advice on new outdoor growers?

    the flowering takes anywhere from 8 -15 weeks man. depends on the strain. since your growing bag seed and you technically don't know what you have, you will just have to go by the trichromes get a 12$ pocket microscope and start checking trichromes when you think its about ready. tricromes have...
  5. Hydrotron

    any advice on new outdoor growers?

    the answer to question 4 is this. if its indica it will be indica. if its a sativa it will be sativa. You can also control the type of high your getting during harvesting. if trichromes milky and white your looking at a heady light fun buzz. if you harvest when most of trichromes are amber you...
  6. Hydrotron

    Quick watering question

    No fertilizer yet. maybe a little vitamin b but not absolutely necessary. I wait till they get really light green almost yellow (NOT TOO YELLOW LOL) then add nutes.
  7. Hydrotron

    Quick watering question

    As far as watering. It all depends on your medium and how it drains. if it all drains out in a couple seconds you can add 49 gallons of water. but if its retaining alot of water you will want to give it a few days. you want your soil to be moist not soupy or really wet. I would give the like...
  8. Hydrotron

    How do you tell if it is indica or sativa???

    Normall a sativa will be more long and lanky with thinner leaves. And indica have really wide fan leaves and are most of the time shorter plants with bushier growth. you wont be able to tell for another week or so. and then it being bag seed . it could be a cross so your still guessing anyway...
  9. Hydrotron

    How does this weed look

    for the price you paid for that bag you could have bought a decent light to grow your own( i understand it takes alot more than a decent light to grow your own). Wow that shit is spendy. I haven't paid for it in awhile but the clubs are asking like 450-600 for an oz. That's Outrageous!!! If you...
  10. Hydrotron

    So I have this beautifull fem and I wanna clone

    Take one it may take a little longer to show growth (up to 6 weeks)as all the hormones have to switch from flowering back to producing root cells. but it will work. although I don't see much available on that plant for cutting. but if you can get at least one it isn't too late.
  11. Hydrotron

    IM A NOOB help with some questions?

    Yes but wuth that window open your going to have problems controlling your light .... For just one small closet plant you could just do a 250w hps or MH or both (MH for veg and HPS for flowering) and just set the fan in there with it make sure your room gets fresh air everyday you will be fine...