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  1. F

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    thanks. only reason I worried was because two days ago I only saw 1 little root with the black tip, and now last time I looked it was like 5. and it was only on bran new roots. I do top water through the net pots about 1 cup each plant, but I was wondering if I should also do a Tea-Spray on the...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey Guys! I have been trying out the Tea on some Habanero's that I transplanted from tiny soil pots to DWC. Next time I will definitely try from seed to spare the shock and insure no pests, but I really wanted to experiment with DWC so I ordered some plants off amazon. They were super...
  3. F

    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    Some of the topmost new growth leaves look like they have burned to a crisp. But lots of healthy new growth down below. Funny because I have only been running the LEDs at around 800 PAR, which is only about 33% of sun intensity. I suppose the narrow spectrum of the white LEDs could be burning...
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    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    Well I've only had them about 2 weeks and they've only been in DWC for 11 days now. When they arrived, they were listed as being 95 days post germination; they were incredibly rootbound in 2" pots. I cant say there has been much new growth yet but the pepper did grow some in dwc, maybe 15%...
  5. F

    ecoplus air pumps... do they always reek of oil???

    I just got an eco AIR1 that I was planning to use to replace my topfin brand air pump. It's the 18/w 38lpm model. I was shocked how much it reeked like engine oil even before opening the box. The pump isn't too loud and looks like it performs great, but the air coming out of the outlet is...
  6. F

    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    Here they are! These pics are from last night. I picked and ate the red hab a few hours after snapping pics. It was HOT! but very small and not many seeds. It was tasty but not as good as the organic habs I get from whole foods. I am really shocked that pepper turned red so fast. When I was...
  7. F

    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    Meant to snap pics, but I ended up taking too long changing the res since I wrapped the res in mylar (previoulsy used some landscape fabric that turned out to not block much light). I also broke my pH meter probe last night, which sucks since I JUST got the new probe for the ph monitor I've...
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    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    Hello, I recently developed a taste for Habanaros. They are still a bit spicy for me (I avoid the seeds), but there is something about the complex flavor and aroma that I have become dareisay, addicted to. It's almost as if my head is hit by the floral impact before the spiciness kicks in...
  9. F

    Petition to Reform Medical Marijuana Laws Nationwide. Sign today & be heard!

    curious, is the petition still working for you guys? the option to sign the petition is greyed out for me even after signing in. I tried in IE, chrome and firefox, same issue. also that is happening for all the petitions not just the MJ one.
  10. F

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks for the replies. If that 1lb jar of Myco is indeed the right stuff, why is it so much cheaper than They charge ~5 bucks for the oz, and the 1lb is 60-70 bucks depending on which type. So if that 1lb for 7 bucks is indeed correct, that's great.
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    also I've been unable to find Ancient Forest EWC... does it matter, or will any brand of EWC work fine?
  12. F

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks Heizenberg and all.Any chance somebody could post a link to the updated recipie with the mycogrow and EWC only? I've scanned dozens of pages bug can't find where the suggestions were updated. I'd be dealing with a 5gal batch. The basic gist I'm assuming is to still mix the EWC and MYCO...
  13. F

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    quick question for anybody here.I've never done hydro, but might try DWC in the future. Interested in trying a tea to keep the slime out. I notice you guys check the roots out alot while trying to solve these issues. I also notice you guys go to great lengths to keep light from getting into...
  14. F

    MycoGrow / SubcultureB/M.... and measuring pH??!!

    Hello! I am only learning right now but someday in the far future might attempt a DWC hydro grow. I've done much reading on the topic and see that lots of folks use the M and B subs to help outcompete the bad micro baddies in the DWC. I've found lots of people who suggest MycoGrow instead...