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  1. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Yes that's what I'm thinking to no worries I'll see what happens in a few days .on the bright side still not a thrip in sight
  2. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Burn or mold...well kicked on the lights this morning and see a few colas with brown pistols not sure its its mold or just burnt ...not a typical burnt pistol look its a Lil scary looking I'll take better pics at lights offthe actual flower is still nice and green under the brown soggy looking...
  3. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    The only type of thrips I like, the dead balled up ones lol
  4. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Ty kind sir I'll keep y'all posted appreciate all the feedback help and suggestions everyone
  5. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Guess I need to move my ass to the qaurentined threads huh @SPLFreak808 lol
  6. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    OK so just sprayed down the flower room then went and showered thoroughly then went and checked on the other two room s so far so good not a thrip in site and before it wasn't hard to find one lol so wish me lucb
  7. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Thanks again @whitebb2727 bout to go kick the lights back on
  8. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    So do I rinse plants post treatment with captain jacks or no?
  9. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Yea I didn't think it would be OK for flowers
  10. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Awesome yes I could see using this in my veg rooms be kinda worried about flower room tho but thanks I'll look into getting some
  11. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Got my captain jacks lfed then dusted my soil with dead bug brew dust then foliar sprayed with RTU captain jack and shut lights and fans/ac down how long to leave in dark and do i rinse when turning lights back on
  12. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    The directions don't say to rinse I've sprayed 2 rooms down that are still vegging shut off lights would u guys recommend a rinse in a few hours ? Also I'm pretty sure I should rinse the flowering room for sure any thoughts?
  13. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Spray day!!!3 QTS of RTU captain jacks dead bug brew (w/ spinosad) and also have concentrate for refills and systemic feeding ,and also have the same brand dust to dust my soil and room with after feeding.. Time to die plant fuckers
  14. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    I got captain jack dead bug brew concentrate , ready to use spray , and dust on its way thru eBay
  15. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    I'm scared to be trying to kill these fuckers every sing day its obviously stressing my plants imma hault all treatment till spinosad arrives wednesday
  16. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Having t he most success in flower room 2 can't find any living thrips few dead ones on the leaves already significant leave damage at the bottom tho.this is still in veg not flipping her till I fill out the net and kill all thrips
  17. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Clone and seedling veg room, one seedling dying and still a lot of thrips thought the room
  18. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    Week 3 day 1 of flower ..stunted growth buds haven't grown since week 2 some leaves looking weird the under curling , maybe suffocating?.thrip population drastically down but still visible .some of the pistols on the colas have burnt tips and just look burnt
  19. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    I'm not saying heat is killing my plants just making a prime environment for pest
  20. daloudpack

    Spider mites...

    My house boiling right now no central air just window units in the bed rooms