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  1. S

    First grow. 3 1/2 weeks. Questions!

    Yea id rather do inside to be honest. Just dont have the means. and im not looking for the big yields. Casual smoking every now and then. Just dont like to deal with the dealers around here. there all thugs. Wish i had that pineapple express type dealer lol.
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    Feminized Seeds

    Fems just make it easier. less hassle. im currently worried about sexing and just thinking about buying 5 fems. lol. so much less to worry about.
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    Feminized Seeds

    Speedy is one of the banks supported by RIU. give em a try. let us know how it worked out for ya.
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    First grow. 3 1/2 weeks. Questions!

    And damn me, i must be retarded. These plants are only 2 weeks old. Pictures from the 12th-25th. lol.
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    First grow. 3 1/2 weeks. Questions!

    2 nodes so far. Compared to my other plant, which was planted at the same time. it deff looks more sativa. The leaves are long and slim. Dont know if you can tell that from the pics. And the other plant is on its first node and BARELY has its first set of true leaves. Is rapid growth a sign...
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    First grow. 3 1/2 weeks. Questions!

    Hey all like the title says its my first grow. got a few questions. And would really appreciate some feedback. 1) General health 2) Indica or Sativa 3) Growth level looking good for age? Outdoor grow, southern florida. The attached pictures are dated back to April 2nd in the first, to...
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    100 plant guerilla grow

    This guy is onto something. Just reading about big grows on this site, there not always the best idea. One guy even caught a case from it. And you will have 0 yield if your caught. The more plants the more risk. Start small, learn the process, get it down to a science with like he said 20...
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    First outdoor Florida grow, Some Questions!

    if anyone knows anything they could share i would appreciate it. Im really curious if this is indica or sativa. thanks in advance
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    First outdoor Florida grow, Some Questions!

    bump. wanting to know if the plants look healthy, indica or sativa. thanks.
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    Looking 4 Work

    Best post i have ever seen. LOL!
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    First outdoor Florida grow, Some Questions!

    Whats good RIU!? I have two bagseed plants growing in the great florida sun at the moment. And i have named them Betty and Shanequa! Oh how i hope they are female lol. Betty is the stronger of the two, growing fast and looking to my untrained eye as very healthy but maybe you guys can see...
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    First grow. Outdoors. some questions!

    No one? Just need a quick response, just trying to figure out if its gonna be a bushy bush or a taller bush lol.
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    First grow. Outdoors. some questions!

    Anyone have any idea what breed this is? And going to post new pics soon! alot of growth just from last night.
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    First grow. Outdoors. some questions!

    And just wondering if anyone could possibly tell me what strain they are? Indica, sativa or a hybrid? Would be much appreciated Thanks in advance
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    First grow. Outdoors. some questions!

    Well from talking to other friends around the area that have had lots of trouble with outdoors setups flowering way too early i cant be exactly sure. there plants get to about 12-24 inches before flowering. personally i wouldnt mind that at all. as long as i get a few buds to smoke personal...
  16. S

    First grow. Outdoors. some questions!

    live in southern florida. pretty sure the last frost is over =) thanks for the replies! i thought the lil one with the missing leaf was gonna turn up dead one morning. glad to hear that it most likely wont .
  17. S

    First grow. Outdoors. some questions!

    :weed:Well first, HELLO RIU! My very first post. And what i have going on here is 2 very small babies! They are outside in a planterpot, about 2 feet deep by 2 feet wide. Was just wondering what you guys thought on there general health level. Both of these were planted at the same time...