First grow. Outdoors. some questions!


:weed:Well first, HELLO RIU! My very first post.

And what i have going on here is 2 very small babies!

They are outside in a planterpot, about 2 feet deep by 2 feet wide.

Was just wondering what you guys thought on there general health level.

Both of these were planted at the same time, the first two pictures are of the big plant and i think its looking amazing, love the look of the plant!

The third picture is of the little guy and looks as if he is missing one of its first round leaves, is this a cause for concern? or just a runt of the litter?

This is about a week since germing. give or take a day.

Soil medium used, it use to be a planter for some type of palm. so im guessing its decent soil.

Planning to move it to yard soon, all of the normal weed-type plants ( daffodils mainly) grow superstrong in the yard, mostly because of the dog feces that is overly abundant.

Your opinions?, Tips?, Concerns? Any info would be much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
should be of no concern
just might take that plant a few extra days to get up n going as it has less leaf are to use photosynthesis

+rep always handy :)


Well-Known Member
Don't know where you live, but check your local "last frost", safe-to-plant date. Don't go early no matter how nice it seems; the ground is too cold and will set you back weeks as the plants shut down and re-start. I'm 60 and grew outdoors in New Eng. for 17 yrs., so take it or leave it!


live in southern florida. pretty sure the last frost is over =)

thanks for the replies!

i thought the lil one with the missing leaf was gonna turn up dead one morning. glad to hear that it most likely wont .


look nice and healthy mate :) how long from seed to flower you reckon?
Well from talking to other friends around the area that have had lots of trouble with outdoors setups flowering way too early i cant be exactly sure.

there plants get to about 12-24 inches before flowering.

personally i wouldnt mind that at all. as long as i get a few buds to smoke personal, and a few leaves to save as a keepsake.


And just wondering if anyone could possibly tell me what strain they are?

Indica, sativa or a hybrid? Would be much appreciated

Thanks in advance