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  1. cannabisstoker13

    Interested in Magic Mushrooms

    well from what i hear, at least here in So Cal it grown on dung in cow pastures... and from what i understand (according to the adudubond field guide) theres a psylocybe thats pretty much nation-wide? if I am not mistaken... but dude really, you can buy the spores from the internet, and if you...
  2. cannabisstoker13

    Growing Tobacco

    besides, who gives a shit if you cant grow it were you live, its not like its a coca farm or a field of opium Papavers... I grew it on my side-yard and no one cares
  3. cannabisstoker13

    Growing Tobacco

    Oh and it Doesnt stay green! somebody just didn't dry and cure it right, its totally different from the chemical pumped shit you buy at 7-11... and yeah its legal, I think theres a limit but its some huge like an acre or some shit
  4. cannabisstoker13

    Growing Tobacco

    Yes I have, Ofcourse its easier just to buy but its something special to grow, harvest, dry, and cure it yourselve. Its really cool man ive' done it before and its ready to harvest in like 2 months... plus you can roll your own genuine cigars... they love lots of nitrogen and do pretty decsent...
  5. cannabisstoker13

    Flowering cycle q

    Ok so lets say the days are still longer and a plant has female pre-flowers showing... would i still need to wait until the nights get long before actual buds start forming or will it just start forming buds regardless of the fall photoperiod???:-?
  6. cannabisstoker13

    Feminizing seeds?

    BUT REALLY! I heard some growers use hormones on them... Im just wondering if anyone knows of any besides the crusty old come on there socks lol
  7. cannabisstoker13

    Feminizing seeds?

    HAHAHA quit it man lol:mrgreen:
  8. cannabisstoker13

    Feminizing seeds?

    no dude im fucking serious!:roll: it says so in that book "Cannabis Cultivation" by mel tohmas because the rippining peels put off a gas known as Ethylene i think its called and the gas influences an 10%-25% increes in females Think about it!
  9. cannabisstoker13

    New Petition in Cali!?!?

    from what ive HEARD there was a new petition going around in California to legalize it, ofcourse taxed by the gov... anyone else heard about this??? Im still looking for it
  10. cannabisstoker13

    Feminizing seeds?

    Hi all, I already know about the breeding method used to create all female seeds but i have also read that there are way to "treat" the seeds to produce more females. Ive read the method that says if you keep rippening banana peels around the seeds for 14 days the cances of more females goes...
  11. cannabisstoker13

    Super Thrive Is a Joke

    It works great for transplanting and for me atleast it seems that it works to help save your plant from shock
  12. cannabisstoker13

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    yup, its true, no matter democrat or republican... the reason is though is that were still a very young country and i think many, many, many people are affraid to say shit... here in CA its almost $4.00 a gallon for reg. unlead.!!!!! the Riverside county d.a. recently took my AK47, it was...
  13. cannabisstoker13

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    HAHAHAHA FUCK DEMOCRATS... thats shits stupid... fuck that lying bitch clinton and fuck that muslim obama, dont throw away your vote HAHAHA
  14. cannabisstoker13

    Peyote In Arizona?!?!?

    so ive heard about it being found there in Tucson, Arizona... has anyone ever collected peyote in AZ?
  15. cannabisstoker13

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    Are thoes bulbs the ones that are actually red in color???
  16. cannabisstoker13

    About these CFL's

    Hi, I understand what different types of bulbs im going to be needing but i got a simple Q... Can i use say a 42W CFL bulb in an ordanary socket that would normaly take a 15W incadescent?