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  1. josh878


    what is a good placa to order seeds. i am looking to buy some chocolope, blueberry, bubblegum, ice seeds.
  2. josh878

    Male of female

    what does it mean when the stems of the leaves turn red. doesn't it mean that thc is flowing through now.
  3. josh878

    Is bigger better

    yea that is what i am using. they are great.
  4. josh878

    Is bigger better

    they are like 5-6 weeks in vegg i am going to change to floweing in like a week. and i am going to put them into empty cat-litter containers. i think thet are 5 gallons or more.
  5. josh878

    Is bigger better

    is it really necessary to put plants into bigger pots or can u just water them more and feed them more. because i have mine in 2 quart pots. just wondering of this is ok or if i should go bigger. bongsmilie
  6. josh878

    witch is witch

    thanks for the help
  7. josh878

    witch is witch

    so how can u tell between sativa and indica.
  8. josh878

    birth control pills

    yea i suck at the English language. has or does anyone use the fert called "plant food". i am just wondering if it is a good choice. i have been putting 1-2 drips on each plant ever time i water.
  9. josh878

    birth control pills

    i wasn't going to i just wanted to no if it was true.
  10. josh878

    birth control pills

    So i was wondering if this is true. Someone told me that if u take 1 birth control pill and powder it up and add it to like a gallon or water and use that to water my plants it will make them get huge. is this true. and if it is, is this the right way to do it.
  11. josh878

    Male of female

    so does this sound like a good idea
  12. josh878

    Male of female

    :joint: smoke time :joint:
  13. josh878

    Male of female

  14. josh878

    Male of female

    i went back to vegg and now my temp is staying at 75 F is this a good temp. and i plan on leaving the lights on 18/6 for like 2-3 weeks. and then start flowering. thanks for all the help.
  15. josh878

    Male of female

    ok i'm going to see what happens...i switched it back to 18/6 and i'll see how that goes. do you think it'll hurt the plants at all?
  16. josh878

    Male of female

    ok well i might just take one of my plants out of my grow room and put it somewhere else and just let it get huge and i will take clones from that. and put it back under 18/6 light because i have only had the light set to 12/12 for like 1 1/2 days. will it die if i take it from 12/12 and pit it...
  17. josh878

    Male of female

    will i still be able to get some clones from these.
  18. josh878

    Male of female

    yea man thanks. so i might not get as much bud now.
  19. josh878

    Male of female

    this is my only question how big should u let the plants get before u flower them. because mine are anywhere from 8in to a foot tall. is this ok.
  20. josh878

    Male of female

    i no what they look like man. i just need to no that other question i posted