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  1. rudolph

    burned the top

    i burned the top of 3 week old plant and i'm left with this.... what should i do with it?
  2. rudolph

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    do you know what i should do with the one that got damaged..its cut just above the seed leaves? theres a pic of it above
  3. rudolph

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    got them pretty close already...i'll keep an eye on them...thanks man
  4. rudolph

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    stretched? what should i do about that?
  5. rudolph

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    yeah man...they were fem...there is a touch of discoloration i think...keepin an eye on it though
  6. rudolph


    hi....anyone grown Durban Poison of late? Got 5 on the go although one got damaged (pic included). I am 4 weeks in. using 3 20w cfls - waiting on 55w cfls i've ordered. Watering daily with a mixture of tomato feed, epsom salts and water (10 pints water, teaspoon epsom, cap of feed)...any advicve...
  7. rudolph

    Anyone grow durban poison??

    hi....i'm growing durban. i'm in week 4. Got ten seeds from attitude started 5 although one got damaged and i'm left with it cut just above tyhe seed leaves. what do i do with it? check out the pics of the other four. using pretty shitty cfl's though...20w each i think (3 of them). any comments...
  8. rudolph

    top burned....

    i have accidently burned the stem of a plant that is 4 weeks old. The burn is below the germinating leaves and basically everything above that has fallen off. Otherwise the plant is healthy. what do i do with it, should it grow back?:confused::confused::confused:
  9. rudolph

    durban poison indoor

    ok thanks...CFL it is...
  10. rudolph

    durban poison indoor

    hello folks..just started growing DB indoors and threw together a ramshackle of a grow room. the entire set up cost me £4 (£2 for white paper and £2 for bulbs). Got two 200w standard light bulbs (2990 lumens each). planted the seeds in old plastic fizzy drink bottles. using soil my neighbour...
  11. rudolph

    durban poison indoor

    hello folks..just started growing DB indoors and threw together a ramshackle of a grow room. the entire set up cost me £4 (£2 for white paper and £2 for bulbs). Got two 200w standard light bulbs (2990 lumens each). planted the seeds in old plastic fizzy drink bottles. using soil my neighbour...