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  1. chacha

    What you guys think?(pics)

    can someone help me out with the T5 bulbs? Thanks!
  2. chacha

    What you guys think?(pics)

    wha u think bout changing round the T5 bulbs?
  3. chacha

    What you guys think?(pics)

    i dont no wha happened to the pictures. i got them attached. going to try again!
  4. chacha

    What you guys think?(pics)

    i got a small grow closet.(2 1/2' * 2 1/2') i have 4 2' T5, 80watt cfl and a 250watt M/H, HPS light. ihave been growing 9 plants(citral/skunk, g-13,grapefruit) for 23 days almost ready 2 put them into flower on the 28th dday. I have topped them twice. Iam giving them Fox Farm(GB,TB,BB). First...
  5. chacha

    Need help with choosing MH/HPS or CFLs

    u had it right the first time. get mh/ hps light. u not going get better results with cfl' isnt anything better than hid's other than the sun.
  6. chacha

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    trenton u are still looking good. i wouldnt be 2 concerned with the leaves. i think that would fade out after while. i think they are still looking great. i agree with fdd regarding 18/6. plants must rest after all they do grow in the dark.u almost @ square one, jus got 2 deal with the landlord...
  7. chacha

    CO2 Help

    it can improve your yield alot,but you have 2 have to do everything else on piont, like plenty light(nothing less than 600 w, i recommend 1000w or more),temp, humidity, fans on timers so they go off when your co2 kicks in. all that. it works but got 2 be the right condition. i have a brand new...
  8. chacha

    A question about HPS Lights

    fdd2blk, wha are you going 2 use that 250 mh on. i have one from htg supply and its cool an all, but i feel like i need a 400hps or more 2 flower. jus wondering wha u doing with a small light.
  9. chacha

    1000w hps

    get a reflector that got air flanges an u can pump cool air throu the hood sn out the grow room.sun system and hydrofarm have great ones. you going have 2 pump it out the room because thats alot of watts in that small room. it can be done but u are going 2 have 2 do it right.
  10. chacha

    most expensive pot in YOUR area

    guys pay the most expensive prices than anywhere in the world i swear. most times you can only get some jamaicain or american swag 4 $150.00 a quater with half of it has seeds an stalk an most times not even 7 grams(6,61/2 grm).now an then we get some of that semi good arizona 4 the same...
  11. chacha

    most expensive pot in YOUR area

    i like that young jeezy u threw in there.
  12. chacha

    Ready ???

    u can see in the picture the color of those trichomes. They look cloudy and amber to me. HARVEST!!!!
  13. chacha

    Ready ???

    they definitely look done to me. looks good
  14. chacha

    trichomes vs pistils

    i have a few plants that are very close to harvest. i went out and bought a 10X mag glass to check my trichomes. i am growing skunk/ citral strain which is sativa or sativa dominent hybrid. October 15 is going 2 make it 10 weeks of flowering. The trichomes are looking cloudy and amber colors but...
  15. chacha

    so it begins......

    fdd how do u check your trichomes?
  16. chacha

    Nutrient Burn

    I had jus received some 3 part fox farm nutes that i was in desperate need of and i got excited and gave my plants to much tiger bloom and gave my plants nute burn. I am now giving the plants water only. I was first wondering how long should i give my plants water only before i go back to nutes...
  17. chacha

    What are some of your favorite pics?

    this is some of my trees.
  18. chacha

    What are some of your favorite pics?

    this is one of my trees
  19. chacha

    Bigbloom or Tigerbloom

    ruby i dont no wha that got 2 do with Fox Farm but yah question had nothing to do with this thread. Tiger Bloom is not 100% organic as opposed 2 Big Bloom, but tiger bloom is alot stronger than Big bloom. I would think u would get better results using Tiger than Big Bloom
  20. chacha

    Green Light Neem(insecticide)

    Last week i noticed mold growing on my mature trees so i got a little worried. I am using organic ferts so i went to the nursury and picked up this Green Light Neem concentrate insecticide,fungicide. Its 100% organic and can be used up to the day of harvest. it has bit of a orange smell. Has any...