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  1. darren_21

    Possible Nute Burn... Need Opinion

    I'm assuming what I have here is a classic case of nutrient burn as this showed it self approximately 2 days after my first feeding. I would just like to confirm it with all the experts out there! Approx 4 weeks old, nutrients given 4 days ago, showed small signs yesterday, and now more...
  2. darren_21

    My new (first) setup

    I vote water heater vent... easy install and perfect for indoor grow setup... Vents high up and has some built in suction!! I'm currently working on mine too! Good luck!
  3. darren_21

    Grow Box Exhaust Location

    Ya I think you're both right... The more I think about it, the less I want to be moving exhaust locations around... Sooo &%*$ that... Thanks for the input!!
  4. darren_21

    Grow Box Exhaust Location

    Well I'm currently building my first grow box. Would I benefit on having say two exhaust locations, both on the left hand side but one in the middle and one near the top? I would use only one at a time. As I lower/raise the lights via the chains and S-hooks, would it be better to exhaust...
  5. darren_21

    Small Stealth cab Plans Please Poke holes in my dreams

    It looks like you are at the same stage as myself, I have a very similar setup in the works. Oh and lucky me, my water heater chimney had a T-branch on it, taped over at the one end. It's like they knew I was coming and would need the exhaust... haha! Anyways, good luck and I would be...
  6. darren_21

    Welcome New Members!

    Sup I'm darren... i recently acquired the much adored habit such is this. Not that I'm anywheree near growing, who's a place to be when i'm high!! l8r