Search results

  1. GreenphoeniX

    Comparing - Air and Water - Cure (w/pics)

    That could be hard. It's going to be more like 3/4 of an ounce by the time it's water cured. But I will get my money back on it one way or another. I mean, I paid $350 (standard prices around here are around $300-400) ... For my stuff people usually pay around $500-560 ... So I figure with next...
  2. GreenphoeniX

    Comparing - Air and Water - Cure (w/pics)

    Yea dude, the weed I grow could be in the same water for a week and it wouldn't look that bad!!! I'm going to have to assume that the plants were never flushes (at least not properly) and then poorly dried and uncured. I would think most people can tell the difference between really sticky...
  3. GreenphoeniX

    What's going on with Nirvana Shop??

    No it's not. If you want nirvana strains (which I'd only recommend for beginners) get them via The Attitude Seed Bank: - Can also get strains from most other seed banks, plus a few freebies. Cheers. P.S - Nirvana-shops customer services has been down for...
  4. GreenphoeniX

    Comparing - Air and Water - Cure (w/pics)

    I bought an oz the other day. I intend to flick it off as I didn't even want it but some guys I knew (who don't know I grow) wouldn't stop bugging about getting this ounce; "It's the best shit I've seen in a long time man" "It's so sticky its hard to get out of the bag man!" etc. etc. right. So...
  5. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    I bought an oz the other day. I intend to flick it off as I didn't even want it but some guys I knew (who don't know I grow) wouldn't stop bugging about getting this ounce; "It's the best shit I've seen in a long time man" "It's so sticky its hard to get out of the bag man!" etc. etc. right. So...
  6. GreenphoeniX

    Cloning other plants?

    Not sure what that first plant is ... The second plant is Helleborus (Common name: Hellebore) ... Helleborus don't get taller than what you see in that pic. They're low growing, almost a form of ground cover, often used in woodland style gardens. They generally flower around Autumn/Winter. To...
  7. GreenphoeniX

    Favorite part of Pineapple Express!

    *Ring ring* Angie: "Hello?" *Crying* Angie: "Dale?" Dale: "It is Dale. Angie, I'm calling coz I love you more than anything else in the world. I've had a near death experience, and when that happens, you can prioritize your life and you are it, ok?" Angie: "I love you" Dale: "Yeah?"...
  8. GreenphoeniX

    Cloning other plants?

    Depends on the plant. Different plants have different requirements for propagation, but the safest way (as it covers the vast majority of plants) would be to take ripe, semi-ripe, or softwood/greenwood cuttings - Which is generally the type of cuttings you take when cloning Cannabis. Most plants...
  9. GreenphoeniX

    Cloning other plants?

    Fuck yea!!! ... Screw buying a plant when you can just take a cutting! I have a whole lot of Peperomia around my house that were all propagated from leaf cuttings I took at garden centers lol - What, they going to charge me with theft for taking a leaf? hahaha
  10. GreenphoeniX

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Nice man!!! Forgive me if this has been asked already, but where did you get those seeds from? ... Need somethings next to those colas to get a size comparison! lol ... They look good :)
  11. GreenphoeniX

    Ordered 48 seeds from for $49 US

    Oh dude that sucks haha. The Attitude rule! hahaha. Could always try: Although I've never used either of these so I have no idea which strains they stock, if they're good quality, good...
  12. GreenphoeniX

    Ordered 48 seeds from for $49 US

    The Attitude also 'doesn't ship' to New Zealand, America, or anywhere else that Cannabis is illegal, but that's just legal disclaimers. They actually do ship to a lot of places :)
  13. GreenphoeniX

    Ordered 48 seeds from for $49 US

    Yea mate, they don't take credit cards, that's why you order Green House Seeds from The Attitude Seed Bank, The Attitude take Credit Cards, give a few freebies and you're still getting the genuine Green House Product in the original packaging. I've ordered from them many times, they're great...
  14. GreenphoeniX

    Jigfresh's DIY Closet DWC Scrog 650w HID - Hindu Skunk & White Widow- First Grow Ever

    I'm still watching your thread mate :) ... All seems to be well! Looking very good haha. Cheers for that rep by the way. Many people are un-chilled round here lol, they must not grow very good weed or something ;) haha
  15. GreenphoeniX

    Jigfresh's DIY Closet DWC Scrog 650w HID - Hindu Skunk & White Widow- First Grow Ever

    I'm still watching your thread mate :) ... All seems to be well! Looking very good haha. Cheers for that rep by the way. Many people are un-chilled round here lol, they must not grow very good weed or something ;) haha
  16. GreenphoeniX

    Jigfresh's Grow #1 DIY Closet DWC Scrog - Hindu Skunk & White Widow - First grow ever

    I'm still watching your thread mate :) ... All seems to be well! Looking very good haha. Cheers for that rep by the way. Many people are un-chilled round here lol, they must not grow very good weed or something ;) haha
  17. GreenphoeniX

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    I'm still watching your thread mate :) ... All seems to be well! Looking very good haha. Cheers for that rep by the way. Many people are un-chilled round here lol, they must not grow very good weed or something ;) haha
  18. GreenphoeniX

    GreenX ~ Aero Trials ... Grow 1 (w/ Pictures)

    Cheers! :D I stopped posting pics of the root system as it's mostly getting bigger in the rez now so can't really see it getting bigger in the pictures... It' sjust forming a massive tangles clump in the rez haha ... It's going to be such a mission to get these plants out at harvest...
  19. GreenphoeniX

    nz backyard grow!!!

    Man, can't complain if you get a around a pound aye lol ... That's a fair bit of smoke. Make sure you post some pics of that harvest man! haha - Those last pics looked pretty sweet! Cheers.
  20. GreenphoeniX

    orchids and hawaiian chili peppers "pics"

    Hawaii must have some pretty crazy pot crops haha. Awesome to see someone growing some other plants rather than just weed lol ... The more plants you grow, the better you become at growing! :D lol Cheers all!