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  1. timfbmx

    Please help! already lost 15 plants!

    raise your light and dont overwater. thats just a guess though we need pics
  2. timfbmx

    My pot movie

    loved the last movie can't wait for the next
  3. timfbmx

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    They look great...may I suggest getting some mylar for the walls to maximize all the light you can get. Make sure before you flower them to get a better light preferably a hps. Other than that they look awsome man hopefully they are all females. I would top them right now too so they get...
  4. timfbmx

    all this talk of honey........

    looks good man I wish I could smoke some of that stuff... after I get my card and start growing again im definantly makin some honey oil
  5. timfbmx

    New Growers - Need Help, Maybe (PICS)

    add more light, dont use full strength nutes for another 2 weeks, get an hps before you flower em. They look fine dont overfertilize
  6. timfbmx


    ya i bought some ww from em and they gave me 10 other seeds for free... good company
  7. timfbmx

    30 Plant Grow Operation

    5 1000watters, a air condition unit, a few fans, nice timers, hang up some mylar, and grow them too 2 f t then bud em out bam u will have a lot of weed man trust me
  8. timfbmx

    Question for Light Spectrum experts- Would This Work?

    Just grow 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower why u tryin to get all technical n shit??
  9. timfbmx

    Setting up a grow room

    YouTube - Extreme Grow Room Make Over Part 1
  10. timfbmx

    Setting up a grow room

    go on youtube and type in growing marijuana...theres a few step by step videos on how to set up grow rooms and there nice ones too
  11. timfbmx

    bigbuds at day 47-48

    beautiful... lucky bastard
  12. timfbmx

    Setting up a grow room

    hell no go for it man just groe 30...It isn't brain science growin weed is easy. get a book on it or read the grow faq. Id get like 4 1000 watts and something to cool em down with and ur good
  13. timfbmx


    nature will make them flower, read the grow faq
  14. timfbmx

    Buds turning purple!

    id wait why not
  15. timfbmx

    My pot movie

    new video anytime soon??
  16. timfbmx

    Mouth Wash

    what a bitch lol
  17. timfbmx

    A Few More Pics From This Year's Harvest

    nics nugs enojoy
  18. timfbmx

    24 week experiment so far...

    nice plant shes gona be a bountiful harvest
  19. timfbmx

    tricomes?and preme buds?

    ya make sure its in direct sun and then u will see some crystal production
  20. timfbmx

    Are these 5 plants ready for harvest?

    I'm on my 2nd day of curing in a jar and mine has that grassy smell too. I think it takes awile for the pure essence of the bud to come ya i think its normal cause its still fresh off the plant.