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    House Bill 3939: the Truth in Trials Act of 2009

    How sad only 3 republican co-sponcers. Tom Mclintock <-- good guy, BTW Dana Rohrabacher and My Man: Dr. Ronald Ernest Paul FTW Very few Republicans stand on any kind of Principle its sad.
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    I vote for the non-violence principle.
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    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    So start a thread about a subject then insult everyone who trys to give you logical answers based on their understanding.
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    conservative pussies!

    What is the fucking question? Q. Should conservatives support proping up dictatorships? A. No Q. Do conservatives support dictatorships? A. Yes Q. While complaining about creeping tyranny at home? A. Yes, (we should be complaining about tyranny at home) Q. Are they...
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    New World Order, h1n1, economy collapse

    HAHA! The people who know, know. The people that want to know will learn. The people who don't want to know will not. There is no point harping on this stuff. No matter how much "evidence" you have. You know and thats the important thing. I like to keep it simple: focus on the constitution...
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    conservative pussies!

    "How is your fighting against the government going to be more justified than the iraqistani peoples fight against u.s invading troops"? It will be just as justified. No violence will take place until it becomes clear the government is in clear violation of the constitution. (That day has...
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    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    Jesus would not have been for redistribution of wealth BY FORCE. He was charitable not a totalitarian. Jesus only used force one time in the bible. Against moneychangers in the temple. (the same ilk as the people running the FED today) By definition communists would take by force all...
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    conservative pussies!

    It will be just as justified.
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    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    Well we are all speculating on things we know nothing about yet. We don't know what his motive was. Really it doesn't matter, he has commited murder of at least 13 people. (some may yet not pull through) But IMO the American people have shown incredable restraint in reguards to muslims...
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    Their are Fields of weed in Afganistan. As far as the eye can see. Sends shivers up my spine. Get me 20 acres a mule and four wives to trim for me. Sweet necter. Except I'm a Christian not sure the neighbors will aprove.
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    Simple Questions About Beliefs

    The blood of Christ.
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    Yeah wow 31000 people in the know as opposed to the 2500 or so UN scientists who have a vested intrest seeing global warming legislation inacted. Yes Global warming is a hoax in so much as it has anything to do with man. Its the Sun, its water vapor, it isn't CO2. CO2 is good everyone here...
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    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    The statement about not judging was meant in a spiritual sense, not as an issue of jurisprudence. RickWhite I disagree if I remember correctly it was the priests who brought the prostitute before Jesus. To ask if she should be stoned based on Old Testament Law. He replied "let he who is...
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    Audit the Fed is Dead

    I agree that is exactly what they do thank you. Good cop bad cop, yes. I just think its overly obvious in this instance that the Dems are being willfully obstinant. After all their crys for more oversight and transperantcy what do they do? block it. I am not calling out the politicians I'm...
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    They don't even know WTF they believe.
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health...
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    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    If Jesus was running the show right now. Taxes would be 10% They would also be on the Honor system. Old Testament law would be in effect. Old Testament law mandated "charity" From farmers for instance who where implored to leave every seventh row for the poor. (BTW, this was practiced to some...
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    Audit the Fed is Dead

    Growrebel I know there is no diffrence. However, the Republicans are ALL on board with Audit the FED. Right now its just the D's defending the FED. While they rail agains greedy bankers and demand more regulation. In the one area a little more "regulation" in the form of an audit would be...
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row. Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia...
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    Audit the Fed is Dead

    He inspired millions of Americans to remember what the GOP used to stand for. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He has consistantly supported legalization legislation. He has opposed the patiot act. He opposed the War in Iraq. He predicted the economic trouble we are currently in. Hes...