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  1. I

    The Trees (Rush)

    Someone likes Rand Paul and probably doesn't even know it. Rand Quotes Rush in some of his speaches. Rand will be the next Kentucky senator in 2010 taking Bunnings seat. Another Pro Weed legalization Republican in Senate...
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    You would have to ask the Russian that came up with that map. It is BS, IMO. He is just spouting off. About the currency there are two schools forming even now on money. It seems the banks may begin cutting our credit. Making us live within our means. Speculation is we are headed towards...
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    Audit the Fed is Dead

    Why is this News! ARRRGGG!! This bill was as important as not passing healthcare reform. (or Vis Versa) Its long past time to Audit that beast the FED. You liberals always scream for regulations. But nothing on the most important private corperation in the country! Every single R has signed on...
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    Audit the Fed is Dead

    BTW Democrats this is your Boy. Mel Watts is a liberal D. Protecting the greedy bankers and money-changers at the FED. Just because Ron Paul is an R is no reason not to support Auditing the main banking establishment. I sugjest you clean house a little. This bill has 309 co-sponsers. This Mel...
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    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    What part of Jesus' teachings sugjest the forced confiscation of wealth again? We don't have a ceasar we have a constitution. "Render therefore unto the Constitution That which belongs to the Constitution" Don't bring the bible into politics Hitler had favorite versus to. Romans 13 giving...
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    how is this for hypocracy?

    Right I feel you. There is no money in the Small buisnessmans budget to pay for sick days. But believe me I have swine flu right now. (Doctor Confirmed) And you don't want to go to work when it hits your lungs. You don't want to spread it either.
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    how is this for hypocracy?

    Looks to be a swine flu thing. They don't want you going to work sick.
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    Know the Opposition

    Ok let me try one, OK. I'm a social liberal so I will field a socially liberal topic of Gay Marrage. The Right believe that two people do not deserve the same privledges as two other people due to what sex organs they posess. (and what they do with them in the dark) Using as their only...
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    Changing Things

    Jesus Would pay a fair wage. Jesus Would give 10% to cherity. Your move holyman!
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    why do you want the government?

    Ancap nobodys perfect the non aggression principle is hard for people myself included to grasp. The Constitution is clear on what forms of Taxes are OK and what forms are not. If you want to drive on roads you pay your gas tax. I can avoid the Gas tax by riding a bike. I cannot avoid an income...
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    The ECONOMICS of Health Care (PART1)

    When government doesn't get involved prices come down. Lasic Eye surgery in 1999 $2106 in 2004 it was $1626. Quality has also increased greatly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It's important to understand that government health care spending is the real cause of America's...
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    The teas party "fanatics" have spoken!

    NY-23 is weird: Basicly the local GOP backed a Liberal Republican. So about 4-5 weeks ago a third party canidate said he was gonna run. He ran as a so-called "conservative" party. Thus spliting the Republican vote. The Liberal Republican backed out and supported the DEMOCRAT! Thus showing the...
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    why do you want the government?

    Everyone needs to try to stop bossing everyone else around. Stop pointing guns at eachother. I know its hard because we all think we know what is best for one another and when we get in an echo chamber our voices seem really load and wise. However, try to let your brother make his own choices...
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    NC House Bill 1380 & 1383

    Devil weed! You smoke that stuff and Satan will take over your body! Devil Weed will force you to go to nightclubs and dance! Devil Weed will make you get the Jungle Fever! Devil Weed make you watch Adult Swim and skip School! Devil Weed will start you down the sinful path to competetive eating...
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    Why are we fighting?

    Yeah libertarians are "Haters." Libertarians arn't going to denigh you anything you worked for. Libertarians arn't gonna point guns at you. Libertarians arn't going to tell you what to put in your bodies. They arn't gonna tell you what you can't put in your body. The reason libertarians are...
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    Christie Gives GOP Stunning Win In N.J.

    Obama doesn't have any juice.
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    why do you want the government?

    Most of us here support some form of government. Unless your an anarchist you do. What is really at question is what is the proper role of government. Also what is the proper role of the Federal Government, State Governments, and Local Governments. The more power a government has over your...
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    The ECONOMICS of Health Care (part 3)

    I'm fuckin' confused who are you people anyway? JRH Ain't JRH Its like wacky twilight zone world. .....pod...people....?
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    Chicken littles

    This ain't 1787 anymore. Where would we go? There is no new frontier to carve a nitch in. We have to fight for what we believe in. Here and now. We can't run from global tyranny.
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    To sanction or Not To Sanction?

    LOL Blessed is the mind to small for doubt.