The teas party "fanatics" have spoken!

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Are the Liberal Pukes in Washington listening now? LOL

November 4, 2:49 AM
San Diego City Buzz Examiner
Jonathan Harris
"Tuesday's election results: A wake-up call to Democrats?"

Is this the beginning of the end for Democrats? It is if you ask Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele. Steele said of Tuesday’s election results, "It sends a clear signal that voters have had enough of the president's liberal agenda."

I don’t know if I’d go that far Mr. Steele, see, the majority of the victories Tuesday night belonged to Democrats including Bill Owens’ win in New York’s 23rd congressional district, an office that no Republican has lost in over a century. Also,
according to CNN, a majority of New Jersey voters said President Obama had no effect on their vote.

What Tuesday night's election results do show however, is the Republican party isnt quite as dead as recent media reports would lead the electorate to believe and that Democrats need to unify as a party and stay focused if they want to maintain the momentum and the majorities they've built.

The first Republican victory of the night occurred in Virginia and belonged to Bob McDonnell. McDonnell became is Virginia’s first Republican Governor in 8 years. He won with 59% of the votes to Democrat, Creigh Deeds’ 41%. Many pointed to Barack Obama's win in Virginia a year ago as a sure sign of victory for a Democrat. They neglect to realize Barack Obama was the first Democratic Presidential candidate to win Virginia in 44 years.

The second and final Republican victory of the night took place in New Jersey and went to Chris Christie. Christie won with 49% of the vote to Democrat, John Corzine’s 45%. President Barack Obama came out to personally rally for Corzine and at one rally attempted to remind voters that this economic crisis, which wass key to many voters, “didn’t start on Jon’s watch."

Here are Tuesday’s full election results according to
CBS News:


naked gardener

Active Member
I hope this is a joke. I just woke up and took my meds--so I'm having trouble determining if this is supposed to be serious.

A big whoppin 2 (that's TWO) republican victories--and that is supposed to be a wake-up call?? Virginia has pretty much ALWAYS voted republican---44 of the past 52 yrs, according to the article

This article is bullshit (or a total joke). Anyone who finds this information relevant is chomping at the bit. (And some people will/are)

If the article is supposed to be serious--that would make it even more funny than if it were intended as a joke

Please tell me if this is really supposed to rally the GOP--if so, I'm dying laughing

naked gardener

Active Member
okay--now I get it--I kind of misunderstood the first time.

Looks like Steele is chomping at the bit. lol

Anyway--I prolly shouldn't post in the mornings until I've finished at least one full cup of coffee.
This is funny tho.


Well-Known Member
NY-23 is weird:
Basicly the local GOP backed a Liberal Republican.
So about 4-5 weeks ago a third party canidate said he was gonna run.
He ran as a so-called "conservative" party.
Thus spliting the Republican vote.
The Liberal Republican backed out and supported the DEMOCRAT!
Thus showing the Republican Party rank and file that Party comes before principle.
So its one more liberal congress-critter big deal.
The real lessen here is a Liberal Republican will be opposed by its own base.
Check out this link and look at the hate coming from Palinites against Newt supporting the Liberal Republican.
Read the Comments, LOL.

Michael Steele can Shut his MF Mouth.
He ain't running shit.
He had better get with the MF program or the GOP will continue to lose.
Because at this point the Base of the party
would rather hand a Liberal Democrat the seat then a Liberal Republican.

Really what you have is a void waiting for a "Great Communicater"
to show up and explain again why conservatism is superior.
These People Vote for principle not party.
So The GOP is gonna need one hell of a Principled Guy, IMO.

This was an off year election that is why the sweep is so important.
2010 will be telling.


Well-Known Member
whoever is the next conservative leader needs to be as quick on their toes as newt, the man was highly intelligent and always had an answer.

jeff f

New Member
whoever is the next conservative leader needs to be as quick on their toes as newt, the man was highly intelligent and always had an answer.
its sad to see newt lose his way like he has over the past several years. his said some real boneheaded things and teamed up with people who would rather see all conservatives die. he has a really confusing message these days. but hey, someone will step up. and i still wouldnt count palin out. she makes big waves wherever she appears and her message is right on in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
man look at history and Virginia is not a surprise...Corzine in New Jersey that guy deserved to lose ( damn wall street man ) ..what you really should pay attention to is New York and Cali..seems like Republican lost two seats in the house one in New York and one in Cali...Guess what that affects us on a national level..I don't live in Virginia nor New Jersey so could care less about that..I do care who wins in the house and senate and yesterday the Dem got two more seats in the house...Congress is where changes are made and voted on, so wake up call ????? I guess they have to grab at anything....Lets get ready for 2010 and then we will see if Dems need a wake up call..for now hell we got two more seats in the house


New Member
Again, the facts:
Virginia Governor: Bob McDonnell (R) defeats Creigh Deeds (D)

New Jersey Governor: Chris Christie (R) defeats Incumbent Jon Corzine (D)
Two moderate republicans, where are the conservatives??
New York Congressional District 23: Bill Owens (D) defeats Doug Hoffman (C)

California Congressional District 10: John Garamendi (D) defeats David Harmer (R)

Maine Referendum: Gay Marriage Law Repealed

Maine Referendum: Expands Medical Marijuana Law

Breckenridge, Colo., Referendum: Legalizes Marijuana Possession

Ohio Referendum: Approves Casinos

New York Mayor: Incumbent Michael Bloomberg (I) defeats Bill Thompson (D)

Detroit Mayor: Incumbent Dave Bing (D) defeats Tom Barrow

Cincinnati Mayor: Incumbent Mark Mallory (D) defeats Brad Wenstrup (R)

Pittsburgh Mayor: Incumbent Luke Ravenstahl (D) defeats Kevin Acklin (I) and Franco Dok Harris (I)

Boston Mayor: Incumbent Thomas Menino (D) defeats Michael Flaherty

Minneapolis Mayor: Incumbent R.T. Rybak (D) defeats 10 challengers

St. Paul Mayor: Incumbent Chris Coleman (D) defeats Eva Ng (R)

Atlanta Mayor: Runoff Next Month Between Mary Norwood and Kasim Reed

Houston Mayor: Runoff Next Month Between Annise Parker and Gene Locke

Where is the conservative revolution???


Well-Known Member
Again, the facts:
Virginia Governor: Bob McDonnell (R) defeats Creigh Deeds (D)

New Jersey Governor: Chris Christie (R) defeats Incumbent Jon Corzine (D)
Two moderate republicans, where are the conservatives??
New York Congressional District 23: Bill Owens (D) defeats Doug Hoffman (C)

California Congressional District 10: John Garamendi (D) defeats David Harmer (R)

Maine Referendum: Gay Marriage Law Repealed

Maine Referendum: Expands Medical Marijuana Law

Breckenridge, Colo., Referendum: Legalizes Marijuana Possession

Ohio Referendum: Approves Casinos

New York Mayor: Incumbent Michael Bloomberg (I) defeats Bill Thompson (D)

Detroit Mayor: Incumbent Dave Bing (D) defeats Tom Barrow

Cincinnati Mayor: Incumbent Mark Mallory (D) defeats Brad Wenstrup (R)

Pittsburgh Mayor: Incumbent Luke Ravenstahl (D) defeats Kevin Acklin (I) and Franco Dok Harris (I)

Boston Mayor: Incumbent Thomas Menino (D) defeats Michael Flaherty

Minneapolis Mayor: Incumbent R.T. Rybak (D) defeats 10 challengers

St. Paul Mayor: Incumbent Chris Coleman (D) defeats Eva Ng (R)

Atlanta Mayor: Runoff Next Month Between Mary Norwood and Kasim Reed

Houston Mayor: Runoff Next Month Between Annise Parker and Gene Locke

Where is the conservative revolution???
Now that indeed shows the bigger picture

jeff f

New Member
hey guys look at me! look how far i can stick my head in the sand.....loses, we didnt have no losses. virginia? NJ? are they even states anymore? not to mention that obama spent about a kazillion $ worth of fuel to campaign for them. yes, nothing to see here folks now move along. libs crack me up.


Well-Known Member
hey guys look at me! look how far i can stick my head in the sand.....loses, we didnt have no losses. virginia? NJ? are they even states anymore? not to mention that obama spent about a kazillion $ worth of fuel to campaign for them. yes, nothing to see here folks now move along. libs crack me up.
hello nobody said that they weren't states its that governorship in thoses states don't matter to me ( I don't live there) Now when you lose seats in the house or the senate then you lose votes that effect the attention, so that you can learn something:dunce:...I would be more worried if we had lost two seats in the house...