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  1. Swisher Sweet

    Plant hieght before flipping to 12/12

    Depends on several things. The strain's typical plant heighth (small, medium, large), your space avalable and quite frankly your decision on how long you want to veg them. In other words no set height but is determined by the factors above.
  2. Swisher Sweet

    !!21 hrs of light during flower!!

    Just stay on the same schedule. Either way Shouldn't hurt if it only happens this once.
  3. Swisher Sweet

    distance of light from plant help

    Optimum light distance at t. hat wattage is 5-16 inches. Anything closer it could get too hot and more than that your not optimizing your light source. I have a chart at different wattage's I will try and dig up and forward later when I have more time. I agree this forum has a ton of info...
  4. Swisher Sweet

    Light Question

    Agreed, you will be fine just try not to let it happen again. You hear all the time if your cycle somehow gets messed with or light hits your plants during your dark period (12/12) it will be the end of the world. Not so if it happens once or twice but you can have problems if you consistently...
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Pot size vs.strain?

    I'm not sure Dutch Passion, OG or maybe Diesel? This was a gift clone!
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Pot size vs.strain?

    I just think based on my final product I know what I'm doing but doesn't mean I won't continue to ask questions that some might consider to be stupid. OH WELL!
  7. Swisher Sweet

    Pot size vs.strain?

    This is my experience! Because I have limited space I would prefer smaller pots but not at the expense of quality or quantity. It appears 1.5 to 2 gallons would do just fine based on my past observations but I know this goes against everything I've been told in the past. I too veg for 30 and...
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Pot size vs.strain?

    I have always been under the assumption that a five gallon (at least three) is the standard. Last grow I used a substantially smaller pot with great results. It also seems to me the strains I'm growing have a relatively small root mass. Because I have limed space any advice on this subject?
  9. Swisher Sweet

    Help with foods in 3 weeks of 12/12

    Don't baby them now your already a little behind (that's OK). I agree completely with Jorge Washington FULL STRENGTH you are not going to burn them as they should be real strong right now. Don't do more than your product recommends or you'll end up with another whole set of issue's
  10. Swisher Sweet

    Help with foods in 3 weeks of 12/12

    Most nute products have you switch over when you start into flower (12/12). Definitely cut the nitrogen. If you look at your nutes the N-P-K (Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus) indicators the N should be at 0 (or near there) and the Potassium and Phosphorus should be increased as the flowering...
  11. Swisher Sweet

    heat stress recovery time?

    Agreed, cut the nutes for a while just water and they should start to recover from the burn.
  12. Swisher Sweet

    Young Transplants.

    I have just transplanted from a cloner. I have been told that a heating mat is a good idea ( as the heat is really good for root development) for couple of days under fluorescent before moving under the 600 MH and two 400 HPS. Any input would be appreciated.
  13. Swisher Sweet


    I am trying to narrow it down to a couple of strains. But these are the finished products. I am not ssure on the OG Kush-Diesel. Anybody willing to take a guess? From left to right AK47, Bagdad, OG Kush-Diesel? (little help)and Purple Urple.
  14. Swisher Sweet

    Flourescent vs. MD (600) and 2 400 HPS?

    I just transplanted clones from a cloner. Root length was about 1/4 inch. First time I've used a cloner. After transplanting how many days under fluorescent and when should the be moved under the 400's and 600? Or should it be right away but I would think that might stress the plants. Thanks in...
  15. Swisher Sweet


    I was given a clone of Super Lemon Skunk Haze.Is anyone familiar with this strain and any info would be greatly appreciated (yield, size, cycle times etc.) I grow indoors with one 600 MH and 2 400 HPS in soil. Thanks in advance. Also I just finished my second grow and this is the result .I...
  16. Swisher Sweet


    At what point do I transplant and put in soil (how long should the roots be at minimum)?
  17. Swisher Sweet


    I am using a cloner for the first time. I have several strains going but am noticing several of the cloned strains are showing solid roots forming. On the other hand 2 of the 4 strains are not showing roots yet. I know every strain is different and therefore the may just take longer to root...
  18. Swisher Sweet

    Clones and Transplanting?

    24 straight through not 18. But 30 days total starting from a clone to putting into flower. No way to shorten that it just sounded like you were vegging for 15 days. This is still pretty quick.
  19. Swisher Sweet

    AK47 flowering, day 30 with photos

    I grow an AK and they are done in 7to 8 weeks max! Far quicker than my other strains ( 49 to 56 days usually). I keep my temp at 72f and humidity 40% to 50%. I will find a pic and follow up showing you my AK's right before harvest.
  20. Swisher Sweet

    Clones and Transplanting?

    Two weeks veg? Lots of light, strain or ? but I'm more than interested in ways that would shorten the cycle. If it is strain what kind of yield and what strain if your willing.