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  1. N

    feeding method

    hi well i was reading a grow journal on here and som1 said this "i had a chat with advanced nutes and the dude told me to break it up over each watering. ex 1400ppm required. watering every 4 days or so = 350ppm/watering ya dig i ask couse yer previous posts about your runnoff, i dont have a...
  2. N

    White Russian start to finish

    hmm this sounds interesting.. but like then i wouldnt water them just enugh so it drys like every other day?? no runoff .. cuz if i do it will take 5 days to dry means i be feeding them 350 only lol for 5 days
  3. N

    The Jungle !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry delete this thread if ur a moderator plz