Search results

  1. DJThrive

    Do I need to water this?

    ok now that I know how that thing works, do I have to put it into a pot of soil right away? if not do I need to water it? do I mist the clone's leafs? and how big does the clone leafs have to be? when using a greenhouse do I have touse room temp water to mist the plant and hot water to mist the...
  2. DJThrive

    The naked chick avatars

    I just ignor it and I don't realy look at people's Avi unless I am looking for their post
  3. DJThrive

    The naked chick avatars

    hey if I can help a person with a question and they have a person getting their brains fuked out I'd still help em because I help any one that I can help
  4. DJThrive

    The naked chick avatars

    drugs and sex
  5. DJThrive

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    blind Melon songs are good
  6. DJThrive

    Drooping Dry Leaves?

    the soil looks to wet, I let my soil to pretty much dry right out but not all the way, I look for a bit of dampniss that's still going on and if there is but if its close to 1/3 to half way down into the pot I water it
  7. DJThrive

    The naked chick avatars

    well complet nakedniss or any penitration should not be aloud but females dressing in little but still covering parts is fine
  8. DJThrive

    To Tall??

    are you budding your females or just budding 1 and letting one grow for a mother?
  9. DJThrive

    Help! water cycle didn't shut off!

    are you growing with soil?
  10. DJThrive

    What is this?

    Envirment - Constent 20C Strain - MillionDollar Rooting - Roots fast Can I root them in just a small thing of water? do they have to be in a greenhouse? how big does the top clone leafs ahve to be?
  11. DJThrive

    What is this?

    ok lol I was just wondering because I bought 5 of them but I dk how to use them that's all lol
  12. DJThrive

    What is this?

    I bought this and I was wondering what its called and how I use it for cloning and do I need to use rooting agent?