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  1. NirvanaLover


    not so i have a hermie going rite now. it is from fem seed the strain is blue moonshine she/he is the only plant in my closet so no other plants to pollinate. any ways the thing is a monster and will probably yield about a pound of some dank. she/he is only about 30-35 days into 12/12 and i took...
  2. NirvanaLover

    Weed disposal

    Yea hash and butter too the rest gets mulched
  3. NirvanaLover

    Weed disposal

    i like to throw my scraps on the lawn and mulch them with the lawn mower. works like a charm or i just bag it all up and take it to work and dump it in the compactor
  4. NirvanaLover

    how cold

    awesome i never even thought about a climate controller thanks kp
  5. NirvanaLover

    how cold

    First off thank you everyone for your advice. And second sorry for so little info i was in a rush to post this morn before i left for work. So here are a few details on this grow. The strain is a Blue Moonshine from D.P. It is in a Bubble Bucket. She was vegging for 2 months under 480 w of...
  6. NirvanaLover

    how cold

    what is the lowest temp these plants can handle? so far the coldest it's gotten in my flower room is 55 F.
  7. NirvanaLover

    Would a mantis be okay in my garden?

    they will eat spider mites white flies and many many other bugs but like some one else said with no food it will die
  8. NirvanaLover

    bud drying RadioShack Pocket Illuminated Microscope: Electronics & Photo Google...It's your friend
  9. NirvanaLover

    Dont buy from Nirvana shop if you havnt noticed

    why on gods Green earth would you give them your CC#? Cash or Money order is the only way to go imo. never had a problem with them
  10. NirvanaLover

    Watch out midwesterners, dont order seeds, theyll get taken

    about an hour north of chicago and got mine last week from seedbay
  11. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

  12. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

    thanks for the comments thepot420 and coadus51283
  13. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

    Very nice i have often thought about maxing out my space (4x6 1000w) but pretty much just grow for myself and my wife, but seeing your grow just makes me want to do it just for the fun and beauty of it. and i now have the seeds to do it lol. thanks man +1 you helped my out greatly on what i want...
  14. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

    B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L:hump: awesome grow man how many plants and how big of a flower room?
  15. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

    so just strait water ph'ed of course no molasses . for how long? they are in bubble buckets so when i give them strait water(every 3-4 days 2 gallons each) that is pretty much flushing them right?
  16. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

    They are on a Feed,Water,Water,Feed schedule well i do add molasses into the plan water
  17. NirvanaLover

    Confiscated seeds

    just got my seed threw seed bay last week with out any problems
  18. NirvanaLover

    Day 38 of 12/12

    Took a few pic's of my girls thought i would share with you fine folks here at RIU. They are on day 38 of 12/12 in these pics. i am thinking at least another 22 days at the very least but leaning towards another 30-40 more days. as of now the trics are still mostly clear but starting to turn...
  19. NirvanaLover

    What should i start next?

  20. NirvanaLover

    First grow need help frm someone exp,

    If it were me i would try to transplant those three into their own pots. i would hurry though before they get bigger! i sure hope those were just some bag seed