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  1. W

    Organic PH Down

    start out with a low dose then flush with water you should see results in 3 to five days.then cut back your (N) leval from previouse doses.
  2. W

    Marijuana Seeds

    I ordered my beans from Nirvana on 12/31 and recieved them on 1/10 good service.Remember that customs are cracking down do to these crazy fuckers wanting to jump on plains and blowing up shit in the good old U.S.A So security is tight and it makes it harder for seed company,s to send...
  3. W

    It depends on if you grow inside or outside.I will try to help.

    It depends on if you grow inside or outside.I will try to help.
  4. W

    I grew in texas back in the late 70s as a teen,it was mostly bagseed from columbian...

    I grew in texas back in the late 70s as a teen,it was mostly bagseed from columbian gold,thi,vitnames,panama red. what ever was good at the time I planted back in the day you got plenty of seeds with your weed.this is all new to me.
  5. W

    Iowa growers

    Is there any Iowa growers out there:peace:
  6. W

    Iowa Growers

    Is there any Iowa drowers out there:joint:
  7. W

    better to scout for guerrial grow in winter or spring?

    When growing outside go places where people don,t go grow in places where people don,t expect you to grow.for exampleplant in a5gal bucket in a deer stand in the boonies or in posion ivy or posion oak.sounds raw.but you don,t have to worry about pirates there,s a thret called mould or pests. go...
  8. W

    Niko hows your cousan romain I dig that dude in G.T.A,your probebly woundering why a dude from...

    Niko hows your cousan romain I dig that dude in G.T.A,your probebly woundering why a dude from Iowa is trying to jion your group.number one I used to have a tropical garden in Houston where I grew up and there is,nt anybody from Iowa that know,s what I do and I like it that way.