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  1. TheCheef

    NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower

    Ive been reading a lot of good shit about molasses in your waterings. A lot of peeps have been using it in their water thru the whole grow, not just the last few weeks of flower. Im thinkin imma start using this regularly from here on out, cant hurt.
  2. TheCheef

    NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower

    Gotcha thanks. Im gonna look to add those when I water next in a few days.
  3. TheCheef

    NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower

    DAY 16 UPDATE: First 2 are the WW. You can see the leaf tips that were burnt up. They are doing much better now. Last 2 are of the BW. A couple of the leaves have started to curl up towards the light now. After checking the soil with my meter, I figured it was time to feed em (water...
  4. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Thanks man!! It looks like its comin back around. I havent watered her in 5 days. It looks like some of the burnt up leaves are growing back. Its almost time for a water. Tomorrow im thinkin.
  5. TheCheef

    NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower

    Man, I mustve really been watering the shit outta these girls. I havent watered since last Thurs and they still are full. Guess Ill wait it out some more.
  6. TheCheef

    NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower

    day 13 update: Here are pics from day 13: First 2 BW, second 2 WW I moved them back up to the light as I determined heat stress wasnt the cause. I dont think its any cooler 6" below where they were anyways
  7. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Thanks, I was wondering this too
  8. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    I get bottled water delivered to my house in 5 gallon bottles for drinking. I haven't tested it but it's dechlorinated and all that. I'm thinkin that should be good right? I'm using FFOF soil. It's supposed to have a fixed ph of 6.3-6.8. I haven't tested my soil but that all seems pretty solid...
  9. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Alright, Ive got all that. SO what happens if I had a new plant and I put a full dose of FF Grow Big right from the start? Not that I am, but what happens here? I cant over fert the plant, but I can over fert the soil? Wouldnt this burn my plant up as well??
  10. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Makes sense now, thanks for breakin it down for me.....
  11. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Thanks bro, that helps a ton. Ive got some new pots now that drain better. :)
  12. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Yeah FF Ocean Forest
  13. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    This makes the most sense. Im using the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and from what Ive been told, its a pretty hot soil, lots of nutes. If youre talkin about 250ml of water every 2 days then Ive def overwatered them. Maybe it did get burned up. THanks to all for the help. LOL I know I seem...
  14. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Ahhhh disregard that last post, I was typing as the posts came in.
  15. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Cool thanks. Im tryin to sort this out. Ive got responses saying overwatered, and saying it needs to be feed. I guess Im asking what the symptoms of overwatering are? Would my leaves be burnt up on the ends? I can see the center vein of a few of the leaves starting to yellow. But the most...
  16. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Ive been thinkin about this and I remembered when I transported it, some soil got kicked up on the leaves. I tried to brush it off, but would that be enough to burn up the ends like that? The new growths out of the top look nice and green and it doesnt look like its starved. If anything, she...
  17. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Alright, so no nutes yet. If they look overwatered, I wouldnt wanna water them right now right? What about the yellowing veins. That means shes hungry right?
  18. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    Yeah other leaves are yellowing slightly. By feeding do u mean a small dose (1/4 strength Grow Big + water) or just straight h20? I REALLY appreciate the help. Thanks!
  19. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    What if I'm not using any nutes yet? Just straight water?
  20. TheCheef

    1st Grow Yellowing Leaves - HELP PLEASE!!!

    I just recently repotted her. I wonder if shes pissed off from the new pot. I hope ur right about the soil.....Ill keep an eye on her. Thanks!