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  1. mikelucid

    Nutirent Schedual Stops Potassium for last bit of flower

    I think I will run with it and wait for a deficiency if it pops up. I feel like I could supplement flower with one of my veg nutes
  2. mikelucid

    Nutirent Schedual Stops Potassium for last bit of flower

    Im not quite there yet, but i was looking at the nute schedule I m using(recommended by an expert grower i know in person). I am just curious as to why everything i will be feeding my ladies in weeks 4- 6 has no K and only a very little amount of N(liquid), which seems to be great for the end...
  3. mikelucid

    1st journal - 4 x 8 tent - 2x1000w swtichable

    Its a one of a kind strain my buddy has been working on fr quite sometime now. I feel blessed to be the only other person in the world with these genetics. I think its GDP & grapefruit
  4. mikelucid

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    nice little set up you got there. plants are lookin healthy as can be too!
  5. mikelucid

    What Is It To Be High?

    I use pot for two reasons. one it mellows me tha fuck out and kills my anxiety and puts me to sleep at night. except when my tolerance is low, which isnt often. If i maintain a constant buzz its a calming effect. no paranoia or nething like that. If i have a task to accomplish, i ussually...
  6. mikelucid


    going to highschool in dallas i grew up smoking schwaag mexi dirt weed. it was cheap and we smoked alot of blunt. i recently made it back to the NW and up ehre its nothing up HIGHS for GREAT prices. I havent paid for weed in forever. As long as i can remember.
  7. mikelucid

    the 10/10 theory

    interesting concept, would wanna watch this one through, if you decide to tackle it.
  8. mikelucid

    This is for all the wisdom and knowledge seekers in the world

    dude thats a great track, thanks for reinding me bout it, its been a while
  9. mikelucid

    What up first grow journal started

    hey what up every one. thanks for all the help on here, i have found so much nfo lurking, i figured its time to give back to the community! cheers! check my grow \/ \/ \/
  10. mikelucid

    Can someone please answer a nute question for me!!!

    You should have two differant kinds of nutes at least, one for vegging(grow), which is when you lights are on 18hrs and off 6hrs a day. The ofther kind in the flower(bloom) nutes, when you put the lights to 12/12.
  11. mikelucid

    just want to share some pics

    nice pics, congrats man!
  12. mikelucid

    1st journal - 4 x 8 tent - 2x1000w swtichable

    thanks man, i was checkin us out too, we got a similar thing goin on it seems
  13. mikelucid

    1st journal - 4 x 8 tent - 2x1000w swtichable

    Edited post with new pics this morning!! Check em
  14. mikelucid

    Trying to figure out the guano tea feeding schedual...

    When i said Fox Farm I was referring to their whole line GB, BB, TB + the solubles and their recommended feeding schedule. Its very strange that i didnt run nto any over watering problems with my last crop, when i was watering nearly daily. Thanks for the info bro, reinforcing what I was...
  15. mikelucid

    1000 Watt Headbad (707), White Widow, Purple Urkel - Lots of pics

    nice job mate! keep up that good work..
  16. mikelucid

    1st journal - 4 x 8 tent - 2x1000w swtichable

    This is my 3rd round but my first time posting a journal on here. I would first like to say thank you to all of those who have answered the simple questions on here for me previously! This forum is amazing and I am extremely grateful of the community involved. Now on to my setup: 4 x 4...
  17. mikelucid

    Trying to figure out the guano tea feeding schedual...

    I have been watering almost daily, because that is what I was doing with the fox farm, nutes one day, water the next. I have recently switched to an organic guano tea method. I also supplement with calmag, mineral matrix, hygrozyme and the their liquid nute(4-3-4). It was going like crack...
  18. mikelucid

    Possible Nitrogen Difeciancy?? anyone have some input?

    I have been watering almost daily, because that is what I was doing with the fox farm, nutes one day, water the next. I have recently switched to an organic guano tea method. I also supplement with calmag, mineral matrix, hygrozyme and the their liquid nute(4-3-4). It says to feed with the...
  19. mikelucid

    Possible Nitrogen Difeciancy?? anyone have some input?

    thanks for the quick resposes, ill hold back on the watering a bit and see if i can get it to clear up
  20. mikelucid

    Possible Nitrogen Difeciancy?? anyone have some input?

    oh and this morning I added some worm casting to the top soil