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  1. S

    How am i doing??? White widdow 1st grow need advive!!!!!!!!!!!

    this is my 1st grow and am around 7 weeks in. i have a few concerns on a few things like some of the leave stems are down. i think the lower have nute burns but not 100% certain, also how long till i change to 12/12???? im in no hurry to change and want them to look more fuller before i change...
  2. S

    help needed newbie growing white widow

    Oh and as for the droopy plant. Since it has been repotted it seems to have a spring in its step lol its fine now
  3. S

    help needed newbie growing white widow

    Ok thanks for the info. I have trimmed 2 of them correctly and now i am going to wait to see what happens before i do the others. Also i will put a few pics on from time to time just so you can see the progress. They have been repoted. I did 2 about 5 days ago and they have grown fairly well...
  4. S

    help needed newbie growing white widow

    thanks for the advice, i did have the fan on them slightly but heard that it used a lot of energy on the stalk so kind of backed off a bit but i will do that from now on and as for the droopy plant will it come back to its normal self??? its a tad bit droopyer today keeping a close eye on it as...
  5. S

    help needed newbie growing white widow

    how are they looking?
  6. S

    help needed newbie growing white widow

    i thought it was lack of neuts.... cool well ill i will change my neuts to the one you can mix with water then. also the room temp is around 30/35 degrees. i also leave a fan on most of the time but not on the plants more to blow cool air around and i open the window to let a bit of fresh air in...
  7. S

    help needed newbie growing white widow

    hi im new to the site and have a few plants on the grow and well im in need of a little help on what is wrong one has started to droop a bit and one has yellow tips (im assumeing its to do with the lack of neuts) on the bottom leaves they are 21 days old so not too sure if there looking as they...