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  1. StewartWarner

    !!!Seedling Problems!!!

    They are 8 days old, im using 4 cfl's (2 6500k 2 2700k) They are in 12/12 from seed, my grow space is limited right now and this is the first grow thats lasted over a week. (long time lurker ;) just starting to get my green thumb) they are in soil from our compost pile its the best i could do...
  2. StewartWarner

    AK-48, Northern Lights, Smart pots & 2 x 180 Watt LED Spectra lights

    Subbed will be happy to watch this grow :)
  3. StewartWarner

    Ist time grow question from noob

    tail down and seedlings dont like nutes for the first week or two. hope someone with more exp can help ya further.
  4. StewartWarner


    yes sprout down, wait for them to get about 2cm long and remember to handle them by the seed as to not damage the taproot. Would love to see pics when they break soil :)
  5. StewartWarner

    MY babyss

    4 would be enough only a guess though. 2 would do, the more the better though.
  6. StewartWarner

    MY babyss

    dont use mirrors or alum foil, Foil will just cause heat issues unless you have a fan (just dont use foil lol), i just use flat white paint. be sure to check the forum for more advice use this place for quick searches. plants looking good ill sub i want to see more pics...
  7. StewartWarner

    The Musings of Serapis

    The fog looks sweet! lol what is this tincture you speak of and how can it be made?
  8. StewartWarner

    electrical help needed please.

    might want to check this out hope you find what you need.
  9. StewartWarner

    How safe is this site to post pictures of grows?

    did you read the agrement lol ya its all good man. this whole place is for entertainment purposes only lol whats your question ill try to help
  10. StewartWarner

    Plant is taking over my closet!(Pics)

    some of the biggest leaves i've ever seen lol love the grow!
  11. StewartWarner

    P L E A S E HELP my plant !!!

    iron definacy maybe check this
  12. StewartWarner

    On My Way To Arizona YIPPIE They Know How To Eat.

    OMG i need to visit my family in AZ next time i have the munchies ;) where exactly is this place?
  13. StewartWarner

    Need advise ASAP - Crispy discolored leaves. hope this helps
  14. StewartWarner

    Pen Sketches

    about 30 min
  15. StewartWarner

    Pen Sketches

    Thanks lol you had to spell it high imagin drawing it high :)
  16. StewartWarner

    First Plant ! (Pictures) Please Help .

    you put the scrubber on the exaust fan. so if the air is blowing out this way >>>>>>)))))))) the scrubber would be the ) you might want to build a grow box just search "stealth grow box" here (make sure its a rollitup thread lol)
  17. StewartWarner

    Looking for Help to SCROG and LOLI

    Scrog link Lolipop link (i think thats what your looking for) oh and check this place out its...
  18. StewartWarner

    First Plant ! (Pictures) Please Help .

    Add another light, and prepare for transplant to a larger cup or a cup w/ more dirt you could probably grow it in a party cup if you wanted. Are your prepared for when it starts to smell? Your gonna need a carbon scrubber (((...
  19. StewartWarner

    just started flowering my cherry crop

    lol gave +rep for that :)
  20. StewartWarner

    Seedling Problems

    oh and how far from the lights is it?