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  1. organick

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    Miricle grow is Evil stay away from it
  2. organick

    PH at 7.2. How to use lime???

    Let the soil microbes do the work. I add lime after the pot has been potted. Because I use a PINCH of lime with top dressing (top dressing: bat guano, mulch, worm castings, comercial organic mix or any balaced combo of good stuff soaked in water ad applyed befor watering). The plant is used to...
  3. organick

    Question about Hydrated Lime

    A few variables will be controled by adding the lime first if you are useing soil. Ok, now that i got the obvious out of the way. The water method should work. But if it where me; Organick (Yes folks see the decent into online persona insanity, i don't even grow pot) I would mix some with a...
  4. organick

    hydrated lime?

    No scientist here but i'd use about a teaspoon per gallon of soil in start-up soil mix. About one part peirlite to one part soil since your not using potting soil maybe a bit more (in the big city we use units of mesurment like cubic foot or yard) What is a "normal" bag? the one in my tiny back...