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  1. smoke two joints

    shroom ID

    just a quick question. i read a thread on here yesterday and it said any shroom with a purple spore print contains psycolibe. dose this mean absolutley any mushroom with a purple spore print is safe to eat and will not poison me? thanks.
  2. smoke two joints

    Painted Guitar I Did

    dude those are sick! what body is that?
  3. smoke two joints

    Making A Nice Bong?

    you could always tap the glass with a nail and file away at the hole until its big enough if you dont find out. :bigjoint:
  4. smoke two joints

    Tell me everything about LSD.

    could you try to find out the name of this book please because id sure like to read it =] thanks :bigjoint:
  5. smoke two joints

    Tell me everything about LSD.

    awesome man =] ps. when i read the bit about dark side of the moon, it came on my music player :P
  6. smoke two joints

    Good Shroom Question

    ah, ok thanks =]
  7. smoke two joints

    Good drugs / Bad drugs

    ah i see =] thanks for that. :bigjoint:
  8. smoke two joints

    london acid?

    hmm, oki =] ill just have to go to london and buy some shrooms then =D
  9. smoke two joints

    Good drugs / Bad drugs

    dude! thanks for sharing, that tune litrally had me funking out =]
  10. smoke two joints

    Good drugs / Bad drugs

    how do you know that, how do you know the people who make the pills dont put it in? and i heard that E sometimes dose contain heroin and coke.
  11. smoke two joints

    london acid?

    i have actually found someone, but apparantley its not good stuff, full of shit?
  12. smoke two joints

    The Simpsons not what it seems ?

    i just searched it and another one bites the dust on youtube, and yer it does :P
  13. smoke two joints

    Legend of Zelda Movie (april fools joke?)

    hmm, to be honest, i have no idea, because it looks authentic and looks like it has taken a long time to make. and if it really is a real move coming out next year im definatley watching it, although i think it would be better if the people playing zelda and link were younger. like 15 or 16...
  14. smoke two joints

    How to celebrate this great news?

    thats awesome dude congratulations =] and as to how to celebrate, i say spark up a j :bigjoint:
  15. smoke two joints

    london acid?

    im thinking of buying some acid for the first time these upcoming weeks, and i was wondering if there is anybody out there who lives in berkshire or london that knows the prices of acid? cheers :bigjoint:
  16. smoke two joints


    what are you basing this on? different strains have different THC%, just wondering by the way, or i may have totally misread your post :P but i know one thing, and that's i aint addicted.
  17. smoke two joints

    Stash Hiding

    in the back of my amplifier :D
  18. smoke two joints

    Good Shroom Question

    could this possibly be why you can apparantley get stomach aches when you eat shrooms? and also, can you OD on acid then?
  19. smoke two joints

    look what i just found........

    awesome dude, i love hendrix
  20. smoke two joints


    i have tried salvia only once, last week, i smoked it in a joint, nothing happened, but i think that may be because it was only 1x salvia?