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  1. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    i really you hope you don't assault people with soy products... haha
  2. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    Also, that's awesome! I want a fellow vegan grower friend too.
  3. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    DAY 7: The end of the first week. I replanted the 2 kids in 1 gal buckets for now. I also got the fan put on them for stem strengthening. For now the led is about 18 inches away (hopefully not too close) and the 2 cfls..
  4. Stonedvegan666

    1st week watering?

    Thanks for the comment. I know once I replant I'll only need to water once a week, but I'm confused about watering while in their little starter pods. I feel like most of the water is evaporating instead of being drank too. Idk. I just don't want to over water. I guess nothing is droopy yet. I'm...
  5. Stonedvegan666

    1st week watering?

    I'm hearing a lot of different answers. I know not to water too much. But ideas of what is too much varies a lot on here. I use a little spray bottle to moisten my jiffy pots when they look light brown and feel light. Which is in the morning and at night. Couldn't be more than a fluid ounce at a...
  6. Stonedvegan666

    About to start my first time grow process. Indoor led 2x2x4.

    From 24 7 gardening. It's a gbox 60d
  7. Stonedvegan666

    About to start my first time grow process. Indoor led 2x2x4.

    Hey I made a grow journal and have been posting more there about updates. I'd delete this one if I could.
  8. Stonedvegan666

    does anyone know about ILGM seeds?

    It's part of my journal now. Just waiting for them to get here.
  9. Stonedvegan666

    does anyone know about ILGM seeds?

    Are the seeds the same strain you ordered our or do they send a different strain for the extras?
  10. Stonedvegan666

    150 hps in 2x2 tent with 4 3gal smartpots

    Those look great!. Makes me excited. I was worried about space in my 2x2 ... You had 4 plants in there? How much yield?
  11. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    Once the plants are bigger I did consider putting them in smart pots. Just need a little more budget first. Thanks for the tip!
  12. Stonedvegan666

    First grow ever - ILGM SSH(fem)

    Oh and I am still waiting on my second order from ILGM. I ordered 5 purple haze. and am getting 5 free seeds. Do you know which type of seeds they send? Randoms? My first order got her within like 10 days. Waiting 18 for the second order.
  13. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    I also bought a fan upgrade. I am content it will finally help my heat issues. The previous ventech 4 inchi had (allegedly 100 cfm) can barely pull air through my filter and push that air 20 feet to outside. On full blast. The speed controller wouldn't even work with it. I would get the fan to...
  14. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    I was just putting them in 1 gals for now. and I am hoping for 3 plants, so 3-5 gallon might be too much. I was just going to transplant once the roots grow out.
  15. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    VEG: DAY 6 (180w led 18" away, 2 x 25w CFL cool spectrum 2"-3" away) As we wrap up week one, things are looking good. The first sprout looks great. Nice fuzzy green, secondary leaves are pushing through fast. Maybe 1.5 inches wide x tall. Her retarded sister finally sprouted on day 6. The...
  16. Stonedvegan666

    Noob question?

    What is the difference between this grow journal group and the one labeled in the header? I noticed the header is styled differently, like journals instead of threads.. and I couldn't find mine. are they different things? Just so I don't post in the wrong place. I have a journal discussion and a...
  17. Stonedvegan666

    First grow ever - ILGM SSH(fem)

    I don't know much about FIM but it looks like the early progress of it. Kinda makes funny leaves. At least what i saw then the plant bushes outward instead of upward. But I am just a noob.
  18. Stonedvegan666

    First grow ever - ILGM SSH(fem)

    Looks great! I'm still in my first week of my first grow. Glad you posted the pictures of the nooch burn so I know what to look for. Check out my grow if you'd like. I am curious to see how your space bucket goes. I initially planned my first grow in a space bucket as well. Even built it. But...
  19. Stonedvegan666

    StonedVegan First Grow in 2x2x4 tent. CFL's with Led supplimental.

    Im growing jiffy pots until the plants get a few inches tall. Then moving them into 1 gal of fox farms ocean with perlite.