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  1. H

    vaporizer for smoking at work?

    I am in need of a small vaporizer for smoking at work? I dont want to spend a huge amount but dont want a piece of crap either. anyone have any suggestions? I would appreciate it. thanks.
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    calling all Arizona stoners!

    well I finally moved from Illinois back to AZ if anyone is in the east vally and interested in maybe starting a stoner club let me know lol. Brandon
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    Bob Marley

    Amen. I read that when Lee scratch perry threatened to kill Bob Marley and Bob went to him and worked everything out satisfactory. what a lesson to learn not just "Turn the other cheek" but overcome any problems. Rastafari!
  4. H

    How much salvia does it take

    haha I think I can refrain from snuggling lol. thats funny as hell although I am high. thanks.
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    No Worries!

    Really I hate it. now I feel like this place is safe I hope the feds have better things to do that sit on the internet. although I am sure they think it is important. PIGS! lol. thanks for the welcome.
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    Bob Marley

    he rocks I love all his stuff and his sons are awesome. How many of you are real into marley or maybe even Rastaman like me I am new to the spirit.
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    No Worries!

    hey whats up everyone! I have been here a while but was growin and paranoid.I am no longer growing so I am cool now. Fuck them lol. I am Brandon and I love this site. I am real excited about what I have learned here with some of the natural and legal substances. so whats happening? I am moving...
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    Just did some salvia

    I cant wait to do this and the feeling of smoking something legal no worries about cops. thats what I worry about on bad
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    How much salvia does it take

    that is Awesome!!!! I am definitely getting this when I move to Arizona because here in Illinois its Illegal cant wait! how long would 1 Gram last with this stuff? it is 10x I believe. thanks.
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    I have been reading up on the laws and was wondering if it is hard to get weed in California? I am moving Back to Arizona and if weed is easy to get I will have to make it to California. The law says if you give a gift of less than a certain amount it is ok so how does that work? any info on...
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    thanks for the link. I probably wouldn't want to try it except for everyone saying it sucks I have to try it. I am weird I guess. thanks again.
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    where is a good place to order this online? does it grow wild? thanks.
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    DWC + fogger

    I was wanting to get a fogger to add to a DWC system what type of a fogger should I get? can I get the ones they sell at home depot? what size? how long should I run it? any other help would be great.
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    I am finally getting some shrooms and I cant wait. I am wondering how often you can do them? I dont have shit to do so I could do them often if it is safe. I am just excited and cant wait.
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    ~Fertilizers Just As Good As the Expensive Ones??~Cheap Nutrient Teas!

    I have been doing this and have had great results so far. I do believe you have to keep them oxygenated thats at least what I have been doing.
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    All organic tea users look!

    ok I am starting some new seeds and I am going to use a diy DWC setup with 400 watt mh/hps. I am wanting to do the grow using all organic homemade teas. I have made them with my first grow( that ended early) and they worked great but I was using hempy bucket's. so any suggestions for me...
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    Miracle Grow Hydroponics

    try making your own tea from worm castings,blood meal,bone meal and whatever else you can find. since I started using this in my Hydro Hempy buckets I have had explosive growth and alot cheaper than other nutes, plus no mail order(for the paranoid pot heads like me lol).
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    What's Your Smell?

    mine is skunk as well. Oh how I love that smell. now every time I pass a dead skunk I think WEED!lol.
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    anyone else not mind hermies?

    ok good I am glad I am not the only one who doesnt this is my first try so I dont care too much. I am not sure why they are hermies. I at first had them under cfls them to MH and HPS 400 watts. they had all kinds of problems at first because I used MG soil. but they are doing good now...
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    anyone else not mind hermies?

    I have discovered all my three plants are hermies. I have been thinking about it and I dont see why it is that bad? I know that the plants will produce seeds and less thc but I know all my plants will produce smokable bud. so I figure if I plant hermie seeds they will either be females or...