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  1. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Same, if I find one keeper out of 4 packs I'm fine with that vs sending out $200 USD for a 6 pack of fems still less than half the price. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the final results and how WSS compares to JoTI
  2. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Transplant day, gotta love the root development in coco! These Mc Kushmints are definately the most vigorous of the bunch. Next post I'll have auto irrigation all set and will probably switch the Gavita 1700e on.
  3. K

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Those are beast, how's the smoke? I have some Snake Oil got em cheap figured they were nothing great, but after seeing that im going to pop em next run.
  4. K

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Did you even read the study you posted? I suggest you flip to the discussion section and their key findings and I quote: "The results from the present study suggest that one cycle of selfing to produce feminized seed (Lubell and Brand, 2018) has no measurable impact on genetic diversity in that...
  5. K

    Give me your recommendations: PPM and pH Meters

    Bluelab combo ph and ec meters, does soil ph too.
  6. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Quick update, had some issues with low humidity but since getting a small humidifier, upping nutrients and hitting the plants with calmag foliar growth is picking up. At the end of the week I will probably transplant into the Floraflex 3 galls and switch on the Gavita LED!
  7. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Yeah I don't think the 1k DE is going to work in the tent probably have to downsize to 600w.
  8. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Here's what they looked like Dec 1: Here they are as of today: Right now they are just under 6 COB LEDs dimmed to 150W. Someone else was watching them and over watered a bit but they are doing well, 33 of 36 popped. The Donnyburgers are the weakest out of the gate and the Kashmir SSDD...
  9. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Will post an update this weekend, most of the seeds popped and are happy. Except for the DonnyBurger F3s, about 50% of them were stunted. I know its not a process issue because every other strain popped. Little disappointing, reached out to the breeder no response.
  10. K

    Masonic Seeds

    Lol exactly, who's sending him all those packs and elite cuts he's chucking with? I'd rather take my chances with 20 packs of elites crossed to Wilson than one GGG pack for 500 bucks.
  11. K

    LED grows and foxtailing buds.. common trait in all LED grows?

    I agree, running LEDs and had a grow foxtail pretty bad, but my lights were 10 or 12" from the canopy + the those were cobs that put out some heat. Maybe a combination of light and heat intensity. Next grow I raised up them a lot higher, add active cooling and didn't have the same issue. I've...
  12. K

    Masonic Seeds

    Why don't you ask him directly on IG instead of making assumptions and asking dumb questions here? It's pretty clear that Masonics Wilson and Onis Wilson are not the same cuts. Just ask him and he will explain the difference. He's a pollen chucker like most "breeders" who cares. Have you grown...
  13. K

    Masonic Seeds

    Apparently they worked together and Onis Wilson and Masonics Wilson are slightly different. He's explained a few times. It's not the same cut.
  14. K

    Masonic Seeds

    He's hilarious though. Still need to pop some of his beans and see how they turn out. I mean he does seem to get a ton of elite cuts sent to him that he crosses with his Wilson. Definately a pollen checker not a breeder, but who knows...
  15. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Yeah thats what I was thinking, the DE i have is the standard Gavita open reflector and 1150w (dimmable) ballast. I was looking at that setup you have, its pricey though. I guess I'm in so deep what's another few hundred. Do you think I could get by with a reflector that is air cooled but not...
  16. K

    Jordan of the islands

    Beans arrived today, order placed on Nov 6. I sent JOTI a gentle reminder on the 20th and he came through as always. Ordered God's Garlic Breath and God's Kraken came free. Not bad for 50 bucks.
  17. K

    4 x 8 Gavita LED 1700e vs Gavita DE HPS

    Hi, so here's the new setup. I'm going to be testing the Gavita 1700e LED vs the traditional HPS DE. A friend of mine doesn't believe that LED can come close to the yield of HPS, so I'm going do do a few runs and see what grams per watt comes in at for each fixture. Haven't decided if the tent...
  18. K

    Switch hps to led during flower

    Probably, but maybe not, he said LM301H and those are the most efficient samsung diodes out right now right?