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  1. raziel933

    New usa president the anti christ??

    I might be a crazy kind of guy but seriously look at the world don't ya people really think the end is near, I mean too much shit is going down, each year hotter countries are getting more weird weather and cold countries like england are getting hotter summers, I mean i heard of a summer last...
  2. raziel933

    Pure power plant 3rd week problems

    Your babies look sick man, I think too much nutes, thats why I stick to natural nutes and keep things simple. ;)
  3. raziel933

    A simple Question.

    interesting facts, most of the swazi rooi bard which is common here and not that great a smoke at all really is apparently sativa yet gives me a super drained like high , yet the super skunk gives me a social high and some what body buzz. What in your guys view is the best weed to make you...
  4. raziel933

    A simple Question.

    A simple question, which type of cannabis is better/ stronger Sativa or Indica??
  5. raziel933

    New usa president the anti christ??

    worst thing coming is the comet due to hit around 2012 dec 27, mayan calender egypt and aztec all end dec 25 -27 2012. Talking about a comet called Niburo If I can recall.. Nostrodames still predicted this long ago, just only fully understood recently. third world war breaks out over food and...
  6. raziel933

    New usa president the anti christ??

    One thing we all know is, The anti christ is already born I am sure of this, too many cultures have 2012 end of day prophecies.
  7. raziel933

    A question about darkness

    thanks 4 info ;)
  8. raziel933

    New usa president the anti christ??

    I personally think the whole twin towers thing was a cover up, same as the jfk killing. I believe That George W bush was a puppet on a string having a higher organisation ruling him. Osama I believe wont show his face again much more, I think there is a sign of change I dont know the whole...
  9. raziel933

    Baby at 6 1/2 Weeks Flower

    lovely looking buds! :blsmoke:
  10. raziel933

    New usa president the anti christ??

    Whats your take people on the whole 2012 end of days and anti christ coming to start the end of days. Curious to hear an insight on what us stoners think of it. ;) I think i never hurts to speak your mind.
  11. raziel933

    A question about darkness

    I have an odd question, being first time grower when your plant goes into flowering how long can you leave the plant in total darkness before it needs much needed light?
  12. raziel933

    How close to haversting ya think

    only going into 3rd week, just was curious from experienced growers how long to go for interests sake ;)
  13. raziel933

    Harvesting...?? or give it more time?

    Looks mighty nice, I say go with the 2 week idea, still look like they will be great to smoke nice job ;)
  14. raziel933

    Sum Needed Help.

    I showed pics of my plant awhile ago, and now my plant has moving into 3rd week of flowering, wondering if there is anything i could do to get bigger buds once I harvest. Any advice please ;)
  15. raziel933

    Harvest today??? or 1 more week

    Well if ya check my thread can see my 1st time grow too, its been in flowering moving 2 third week, just curious how many more weeks till done ;). but I must say a very handsome plant you have their, be proud you did great job and sure it will be a great smoke in bong or joint ;)
  16. raziel933

    Harvest today??? or 1 more week

    I would say, give it about another 3 days at the most. they look fuckin sweet. what type of strain is it?
  17. raziel933

    How close to haversting ya think

    This is my unknown strain growing, wondering from these pics how long is it till harvesting?? Sorry bout bad pic quality ;(
  18. raziel933

    What kind of plant is it

    Well either way, I am sure its gonna have some decent buds 4 a 1st time grow, I live in South Africa so its pretty good weather for growing, humid and all. Only catch is storms get so bad could ruin a crop in 1 storm if your not careful. Thanks 4 all the in put, btw any suggestions on getting...
  19. raziel933

    Help on what kind of strain it is.

    Hi there, I have a slight lil problem, I planted a few seeds I had round 4 months ago, bag of seeds was mixed with super skunk seeds, white widow seeds and cronic seeds, only catch is I cant tell which 1 it is. Its a 1st time grow so not really too good at this stuff. I have some pics to help...
  20. raziel933

    What kind of plant is it

    I assume nobody really can help me out on telling which kind of strain this is.