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  1. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    How is this a personal attack? I simply stated his views are contradicting themselves? Is proving someone wrong now seen as an insult?
  2. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    This is seen as the WORST prediciton physics has ever made.. The numbers between quantum and relative threory produced a discrepency of 107 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.. due to the calculations generated from Isolated Sytems theory. This is the LARGEST...
  3. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    I love the hypocricy in your signature "For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. ~Carl Sagan" You claim its far better to grasp the universe as it really is... and yet you base your beliefs on isolated...
  4. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    Lets look at it this way... Lets say you take your right hand and hold it up in the air.. Then you move your hand from right to left in order to measure the speed and velocity of your hand. The measurement you come up with would be true in the "isolated system" that is Planet Earth...
  5. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    If you actually knew ANYTHING about how natural laws come about.. You would know that they are ALWAYS tested within an ISOLATED SYSTEM.. Scientists do this in order to try and ISOLATE the behaviour. This approach is fundamentally flawed because objects ALWAYS interact with thier surroundings...
  6. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success Taken STRAIGHT out of Wikipedia Conservation law From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In physics, a conservation law states that a particular measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves. One...
  7. J

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Yes.. but how much is the total shipping charge for all of those items combined? $420 INCLUDES shipping! And would be WAY less hassel when dealing with warranty issues etc. Most likely yes... but after 3 crops you should have a nice little slush fund that can be re-invested into better...
  8. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    I believe I have already stated this point.. but it is worth re-mention in light of the recent rebuttal.. You put so much belief in the experiments done by the general scientific community. The natural laws of the universe are ALWAYS tested in an ISOLATED SYSTEM.. Here is Wikipedia's...
  9. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    Another point... the video this blog is reviewing is a presentation from 2005! Haramein has had 8 more years of research added to this... here is a more recent video that has the complete theory displayed.. He addresses most of the "holes" that your blog resource pokes... But... You would...
  10. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    Oh and by the way... You still have not addressed the MATH? You keep poking at character flaws and other things unrelated... but you completely avoid the fact that the math adds up... Still waiting............. The thing about all of the sources you listed.. is that they IGNORE THE ENERGY...
  11. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    Or is it "E" the general consensus of the "Establisment" is to keep people in the dark about the true nature of their connection to the universe and its infinite potential. Anyone who has a serious intention of a career in physics would be commiting "Career Suicide" by backing up Nassim's...
  12. J

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    And your source for this? They offer a 3 year no hassel warranty... which leads me to believe it cant possibly be THAT bad... To get 3 years of growing min. out of a $420 investment is not bad at all imo!
  13. J

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    This is by far the best deal I have ever seen on a complete closet set up... seriously... could this be the best deal EVER?!?!? The first time I saw this ad.. the price was $420... He really shouldnt have...
  14. J

    Tip for using a water fed chiller indoors SAVE WATER!

    Water Cooled Chillers are a great way to cool down any space.. hence the reason they are used in many commercial refrigeration applications as they are typically much more cost effective to run. The problem with these chillers when used in a home grow, is they are designed to have a constant...
  15. J

    underground school bus grow

    Instead of burying the bus.. Leave it running... even plate it if you want too... Black out the windows and build a wall behind the driver seat with a door so no light can be seen from the outside. Set it up to grow in beds of dirt.. instead of pots.. you dont need to go so deep with your soil...
  16. J

    Plexiglass pane?

    This is basically the same idea as an air cooled hood.. or cool tube.. seal the lights off from the rest of the room to control heat. It does work if done properly, but you do want to make sure the material you are using is not going to burn or melt in your grow room.. Ultimately I would just...
  17. J

    Best CFL type for Grow Box?

    Why not use 3 x 105 watters? More wattage.. plus better coverage? The splitters are a great idea too!!! And if you can only afford one set of lights.. stick with 2700k.. they are best for flowering.. which is 80% of your plants life... so if your going to keep the same bulbs the whole grow...
  18. J

    Flowering 6th week with no nutes since seed....just bought bloom nutes need help

    Im guessing from the pic.. that you meant to say 6 weeks from seed... that cant possibly be your 6th week of flowering ?!?!? :-S They look more like 4 week veg.. and in week 2 of flower.. is that right??? One thing I did notice.. is it seems you have all of your light bulbs concentrated in one...
  19. J

    A tip for getting the most out of a Pilot Light Co2 burner....

    I recently purchased an older Co2 burner made by Green Air Products (CD-3). This unit has a pilot light.. which typically is not recommended for grow rooms as the pilot light burns all night while the lights are off... wasting Co2 etc. I actually bought this burner BECAUSE it has a pilot...
  20. J

    Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

    Ahh yes.. Dr. Emoto.. Brilliant man! Discovered many things about water that have been puzzles for centuries! I keep a Rose Quartz the size of a softball in my res SOLEY based on Emoto's research... Happy water = Happy plants :-) The simple fact of the matter is that the scientific...