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  1. Bennythejet

    Bucket in the tree

    i am a very dedicated person. me and a friend spent hours and hours looking for one guys crop. he taken ours the previous year.
  2. Bennythejet

    Agricultural Advantages?

    what i cant really understand
  3. Bennythejet

    Bucket in the tree

    I have been wondering if anyone has ever tried this. Make a flat surface with maybe some plywood. nail it up high in a very green and leafy tree and place a heavy wind efficient bucket or one you can nail through on the platform paralell to the ground and grow right there. It would be very hard...
  4. Bennythejet

    Agricultural Advantages?

    i live in upstate new york and am wondering with a lot of moss growing around here in the wetter areas will a plant have more advantages if i just pop one in the moss. will the plant grow right out of the mound and will get good natural nutrients from it
  5. Bennythejet

    100% Solid Seed Bank

    people should view this thred more
  6. Bennythejet

    Enhancing your resin glands?

    Yea give it a try and see the results. This guy i know has been cultivating for longer than you guys were probaly born. played soccer in holland for years and cultivated there as well, i really dont think he would make bullshit yup like "sense the male". there are many extraordinary things about...
  7. Bennythejet

    100% Solid Seed Bank

    can you grow these strains outdoors
  8. Bennythejet

    100% Solid Seed Bank

    i like this but do they grow outdoor as well b/c all the pics of them are indoor
  9. Bennythejet

    Enhancing your resin glands?

    I am talking about outdoor growth where you cannot turn the lights off for a couple days before harvest. but if u r an indoor cultivator your theory sounds great and is understandable. tillthedayidie420
  10. Bennythejet

    Bullshit seeds?

    Thanx dursky. if you finish them maybe send some pics. they are very cheap, best of luck
  11. Bennythejet

    Enhancing your resin glands?

    I have been encountering some experienced growers and had some pretty abnormal tips. After all with its possibilities cannabis is pretty abnormal yet normal. Anyway i heard from an older friend that if you clip all the pollen sacs of your male that is within a about a 300 foot range of your...
  12. Bennythejet

    Bullshit seeds?

    I have been searching for cannbis seeds for this years outdoor grow and i came across astonishing prices wich leave me skeptical of their service. i would like to know about one seed shop in particular. even though this sites sponsored by nirvana, are seeds a reliable...
  13. Bennythejet

    Outdoor Crop Nah or Yeh

    many people stress growing outdoors. to me it is the most fun and nature can bring far better characteristics than indoor as well as a much greater yeild. ive been speaking with OGs [original growers] for a while now and they tell me after 30 years of growing outdoors they'll have a hard time...
  14. Bennythejet

    Da Chronic

    What i =s a great plant for topping. a plant that spread into many shoots easily is great
  15. Bennythejet

    plant health perfecting

    Hello to the green supporters. i live in upstate new york and am wondering what to obtain as essential soil, fertilizer, and pesticides at a reasonable price. I would like the soil preferences of outdoor growers with experience. fertilizer as well.and what i can do to keep the plants in great...