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  1. llop1103

    Please help white gunk on roots

  2. llop1103

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    i just posted some pics i took 10 minutes ago of my roots and on like page 8-9 there are pics of the roots when they had root rot and were brown. But i just posted pics of the problem i just ran across tonight check them out...
  3. llop1103

    Please help white gunk on roots

    Ok guys so i am growing in a BC Northern lights mothership. I have 4 airstones and an airpump that goes to a drip system. I currently have 4 Big BUddah Blue cheese clones that are 1 week into flower going right now. About 1 week before i started to flower i battled Some nasty brown root rot. I...
  4. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    God its seems like one thing after another with these damn roots. I had the root rot and used some plain water and hydrogen peroxide and cleared it up. New roots were coming through and i thought i was ready to watch my ladies go at it. So last night i emptied the res added new phd water with...
  5. llop1103

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Ok man i guess i couldnt of come across your thread at a better time. So i had some res temp issues just like you and i got root rot. I used some hydrogen peroxide and just plain water and super cleaned the res. Everything cleared up and looked golden after 2 days. I switched the res out and...
  6. llop1103

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Lloking good ill be watching i have been having the same problems i am growing in a mothership and this is my first go around. I had alot of root problems and am hoping i just got over them and saved my ladies. Anyway looking great and im def subscribed as im looking at the problems you had and...
  7. llop1103

    Need advice!! Hydoponics!!!!

    Grab one of those plastic storage containers put 6 holes in it bam there is your reservoir get some net pots and some clay pellets for your medium. Grab a air pump from a pet store that they use in a fish tank and get some bubbles going in that water to get it oxygenated. Start your plants in...
  8. llop1103

    First grow almost complete! How much longer?

    Can you get to your plants every day? If you can go to your plants every day there is a simple solution that noone has decided to tell you. It will take a little work but in 6 weeks they will be ready. Everynight at the same time go out there and stick a black bag or a big cardboard box or...
  9. llop1103

    MH lights for auto

    Ya you can grab a hps bulb for like 40 bucks. Do you have a switchable ballast or will your ballest only work with MH? Its def worth the 40-80 bucks to buy and hps bulb because the yield will def make up for the money you spent on the new bulb
  10. llop1103

    browning/yellowing edges, to tips pics available

    Ya you can try backing off and seeing if the burning stops. I wouldnt think it would be nute burn at 425 ppm but it could just be that plant is very nute sensitive. I know my Big BUddah Blue cheese plants are super nute sensitive. It really all depends on the strain to how much nutes it can...
  11. llop1103

    browning/yellowing edges, to tips pics available

    From what i see it looks like nute burn. But from what you say those nutes are not that strong and i cant see how they would be getting nute burn. Are those plants not as mature as the others? Thats the only thing i can think of. WHat are your temps in the room is the plant getting good air flow?
  12. llop1103

    10 weeks still not done

    Just flush for 2 weeks like your suppose to. They should be ready by the look of the one picture i saw in a week The box looks nice but pics of the actual buds would be better so we can see what they really look like and might be able to give more advice on there status. Anyway the one bud i saw...
  13. llop1103

    MH lights for auto

    Why cant you switch the lights in the same room? You can still force auto's to flower. Autos will just flower automatically when ready but you can still force autos to flower. If you are saying when your auto is ready to flower you cant switch the light to 12/12 becasue you want to veg your...
  14. llop1103

    1st time cloning any tips?

    Make sure u take off the lower 1/3 of branches take a clean razor blade and recut the clone at an angle so u see the inside of the main stalk and then dip in water to prevent from air bubbles then dip in cloning gel cutting at an angle will allow the cloning gel to get to the inside of the bark...
  15. llop1103

    taking plants outside on a sunny day

    Ya they will love the light but as said before be super careful of the insects. I brought one of mine out to see if she would like it and she loved it but brought in some spider mights and thripes and the month and a half i spent getting rid of them on ALL my plants was not worth it. So its up...
  16. llop1103

    To flush or not to flush

    LOL you should def flush your plants. If not a 2 week flush atleast give them one week of plain phd water. There is no need to compare. If you have 10 plants sure dont flush one and see that it is alot worse then the ones you flushed but if you only have 2-3 plants dont waste all the time and...
  17. llop1103

    SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10

    Lookin good buddy keep up the good work.
  18. llop1103

    250w HPS Your Yield??

    Yes like i said if evreything goes right and you take care of them you should expect .5 grams a watt good luck hope u get it. Thats what im hoping for right now i got some big buddha blue cheese flowering right now under a 400watt hps i got 4 of them and im growing it in the bc northern lights...
  19. llop1103

    250w HPS Your Yield??

    The general key to how much you should yeild is .5 grams per watt of light. So if you have a 250 watt light you should yeild about 125 grams in total. .5 grams a watt is a successful grow if its really good you can obviously yield more and if you lst, top fim you can produce more as well. But...
  20. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok so tomorrow starts week 2 of flower. I just changed the res and added 3/4 strength nutes and am using the nutes i stated in one of my last posts. Roots are looking much better but i dont know if they died during the root rot or what the roots themselves dont look that great but all the gunk...