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  1. J

    buying new seeds. ? abt growin . help

    so im going to buy barneys farm red D off of attitude seedbank this weekend and i see that the harvest time is in october and it can go right into flowering(12/12) so my question is. would it be possible if i can plant her outside next week- About sept 4-10th and get a good plant by october...
  2. J


    just put a big one on her
  3. J


    nah its a GE reveal 100w. but this was just a test out plant im still gonna keep her around but i plan on growing more plants under much better lights. thanks guys. and i think im gonna leave her inside
  4. J


    100w and a fish tank light on top. what do u perfer
  5. J


    oh damn -__-. is there any chance of budding ya think?
  6. J


    moved my outdoor plant indoors. i did this because i want her to go into flowering now then to wait til sept. how does she(hopefully) look?
  7. J

    hows this look?

    female. outdoors. currently growing in a bucket. started in a bucket then i planted in ground and she fell over so back in bucket.
  8. J

    plants. help

    how do these look? i first planted in a bucket then moved to ground and it fell over after some weeks then i put her back in a bucket. check out the pics
  9. J


    yesterday i put about 35-40 germinated seeds into an old pot that i was growing fresh strawberries out of and i was wondering if this will be a pretty damn good idea or will the roots get tangled up? ________________________________________________ so far this is what i got:hump:
  10. J

    which seeds should i use?

    i live in the u.s and i want to buy safe seeds offline. any help please comment. thanksss:weed:
  11. J

    seeds in one pot

    bcuz they wre bag seed. not anything expensive
  12. J

    seeds in one pot

    the pot is pretty big but if they happen to sprout im going to break the pot and plant them
  13. J

    seeds in one pot

    yesterday i put about 35-40 germinated seeds into an old pot that i was growing fresh strawberries out of and i was wondering if this will be a pretty damn good idea or will the roots get tangled up? help.. thanks lol:weed:
  14. J

    new update on my small plant- male or female?

    thanks. its prob too early cuz i havent started my 12/12 cycle yet :( gotta wait til september
  15. J

    male or female. NEW UPDATE

    no bcuz since im doin it outdoors i have to wait for september :(
  16. J

    male or female. NEW UPDATE

    so i just chopped down my taller male plant. started off with pistils then he started to show pollen sacks so his life is over lol. well im posting these pics of my HOPEFULLY female plant. hopefully u guys can help me out. thankss :weed:
  17. J

    new update on my small plant- male or female?

    so i just chopped down my taller male plant. started off with pistils then he started to show pollen sacks so his life is over lol. well im posting these pics of my HOPEFULLY female plant. hopefully u guys can help me out. thankss
  18. J

    cloning my male weed plant

    its some bag seed. and yeah im not going to clone him cuz it wil be really pointless. but thanks guys. i have another smaller plant growing and i hope its a female
  19. J

    cloning my male weed plant

    is this possible to do? if so please post info on the easiest/fastest way to clone and get good bud. my plant is prob about 3 months old and i believe its a hermie so idk if its b possible but reply.:weed:
  20. J

    NEW UPDATE - MALE? pollen sacks?

    it started off with having pistils but now i think these are pollen sacks. i have a smaller plant next to it and im pretty sure its a female so i dont want the male to fuck it it. help. :weed: