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  1. X7GrowerX7

    Stretching during flowering

    Will the plants stretch alittle less if the lights are a bit closer to them durring their stretch?
  2. X7GrowerX7

    Guys help me

    I'm a first time grower and i wouldl be shocked if I don't get a lot of bud and decent bud honesly. Everything seems to be going perfect for my first grow.
  3. X7GrowerX7

    Sad droopy plants

    Shittt, hah should have seen that.
  4. X7GrowerX7

    Stretching during flowering

    Im 7.5 weeks with lights at 12/12 and it took about 20 days to start seein pistils so I'm at about 4 weeks into flower but oh boyyyy did my plants stretch like crazy!! I'm a first time grower and my plants were about 2.5 ft tall when I put them into 12/12 and today they are about 5.5ft almost...
  5. X7GrowerX7

    Sad droopy plants

    How often do you feed/water?
  6. X7GrowerX7

    Guys help me

    Tell (n0thing) to suck a big one(: I would put them in jars for about a week to 10 days and maybe give it alittle better trim afterwards. Was the plant fully ready to harvest? how many weeks did she flower for?
  7. X7GrowerX7

    Super Lemon Haze

    Looks super good, I have two super lemon haze I'm growing. I'm day 30 into flower and I believe this strain I have is going to be a 10-13 week strain so far.
  8. X7GrowerX7

    30 days into flower

    I'm growing indoor inside a shed, I'm growing 4 plants, two super lemon haze and two jet eye og, I think they are all sativas. I have been using fox farm soil and fox farm nutrients my whole grow, I vegged my plants for about 5 in half or maybe 6 weeks. I have transplanted two times, they are...
  9. X7GrowerX7

    30 days into flower I think.

    I'm growing indoor inside a shed, I'm growing 4 plants, two super lemon haze and two jet eye og, I think they are all sativas. I have been using fox farm soil and fox farm nutrients my whole grow, I vegged my plants for about 5 in half or maybe 6 weeks. I have transplanted two times, they are...
  10. X7GrowerX7

    Day 30 into flower

    They have been in 12/12 for 7.5 weeks and started showing pistils/hairs about the 3rd week so id say their about 4 weeks into flower
  11. X7GrowerX7

    Feeding your plants

    What does ting tong in to water em mean? Mattress? You confused me haha
  12. X7GrowerX7

    How much water for a 5 gallon smart pot?

    Okay, makes sense.
  13. X7GrowerX7

    How much water for a 5 gallon smart pot?

    What do you mean? Can you explain alittle? I kinda thought it could be his smart pot holds in more water then my plastic pot with decent size drain holes
  14. X7GrowerX7

    How much water for a 5 gallon smart pot?

    Dang, i have 10 gallon pots and get alittle run off from almost a full gal of water
  15. X7GrowerX7

    Feeding your plants

    So basically this post is just about how I can make my feeding process alittle easier I guess. Here's alittle info cause I know some complain if they don't have all the detail of the grow room(: I grow indoor inside a shed, I'm growing 4 plants in soil using a 1000 watt HPS light, I'm using fox...
  16. X7GrowerX7

    How much water for a 5 gallon smart pot?

    I have 4 plants and their in 10 gal pots, I give each plant a full gallon of water and the amount of run off I have is always perfect. I water them every 4-6 days. My next grow I'm planning on using 5 gal pots so I can use alittle less water/save on some nutrients. I would think alittle over a...
  17. X7GrowerX7

    Day 30 into flower

    Thanks for the info, I have 4 plants, I've been giving them all fox farms and been giving two of them Big Buds as well, I will give 1 of my plants molasses and see if I notice any change to the 1 plant.
  18. X7GrowerX7

    Day 30 into flower

    could only really get 1 decent pic with the lights on out their but that was today