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  1. JohnnyCypher

    Help sexing please

    Thanks guys i guess i knew it myself but being a first grow didnt want to trash it for nothing. One of four down now so will be keeping a close eye on the others. Will post some pics when they show too if youre all able to give another look then thatd be tops.
  2. JohnnyCypher

    Help sexing please

    Hey guys ive been waiting almost 2 weeks to see sex on 4 bagseeds and i think this is the first starting to show. Will be monitoring twice daily and will bin in 48hrs if no pistils appear. Kind worried as it looks like 2 others are starting to show similar growths. Any second opinions on this...
  3. JohnnyCypher

    Scrog - what next?

    Hey all, First grow ever with 4 random bag seeds, i veged for 2 months under 2 125w cfls and 2 250 lw mhs, with some intense "lst". I installed a scrog and flipped to 12/12 under a 1000w mh a week ago. Have been lightly trimming beneath the scrog every few days to open up air and light...
  4. JohnnyCypher

    Seedling problem

    I had a seed pop with fused leaves that after 4 days needed to be cut open with a razorblade so the serrated ones could come through. Looked weird AF and stunted for the first week or two but now it has almost caught up to its sister that popped at the same time. The growth is different though...
  5. JohnnyCypher

    Is my seedling dead?

    I had a similar issue recently which I think was damping off from overwatering. I tried everything I could and the 2 that showed symptoms never recovered and ended up getting pulled after about 5 days of effort. The other two germd at the same time are going strong now. Id say get ready to start...
  6. JohnnyCypher

    Perlite and Ph?

    Hey all, I've been trying for weeks to figure out what is causing the ph in my res to constantly rise and after about 10 different tests on water at every stage in the system I've narrowed it down to the medium and/or something in the bucket with it. Just to let people know it is a 4 bucket...
  7. JohnnyCypher

    Hard water..what to use

    That's a ive just got to figure a way to keep my res temps stable and i think ive overcome all the initial hurdles
  8. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    Alright so did the above yesterday and all the smell is gone! Yay! However ive found out my ec and ph meters are shot and had to get new ones. Had the water tested and the ec out of the tap is .3 to .4. The guys telling me its no good at all and i need bottled or ro water. Any advice guys?
  9. JohnnyCypher

    Hard water..what to use

    Hey guys, My town water is running at an ec of 0.3 atm and ive been advised this could be causing some of my issues. The guy at the shop is trying to sell me an RO kit which i simply cant afford so figured id ask some advice. Is this ec too high or will it be okay to use as is? Would...
  10. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    Okay so i have an h2o2 solution and root stimulant mix (will post a pic of details later) from the local shop. Also changed nutes to a better brand as what i previously had was really not great and caused a lot of ph problems due to a buffer agent. Balancing the res 4 times a day was a bitch...
  11. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    Okay so it sounds like the flush is what has caused the coco ones to deteriorate. Will they come good again now they are back to regular feeds or will i need to use the phytoff stuff? Any advice on the green algae in the perlite? Thanks again guys, this is my first grow and just trying to get my...
  12. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    Thanks heaps guys. Seems like the smell is stronger with the watering so it could be from the pipes sitting stagnant. Will rip the drains apart this weekend and redo so they dont sit in the pipes and have direct flow back to res. Still strange that ive had the issues in the coco ones if the...
  13. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    Im using a rooting hormone root 79 along with a 2 part nute mix and have done from the start. Have always waited until dry to water only used extra as i had to flush, last weeks run off was 1300-1700. Wouldnt the run off water or hempy bucket smell if it was root rot?
  14. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    Cheers for the quick replies. Run off read between 500-600 ph 6.3. Have stuck my nose into everythjng i can and cannot locate a source for the smell which makes me think it may be something dead in the wall or roof. Still strange that all the plants have been hit with similar issues at the same...
  15. JohnnyCypher

    Help - It Smells like Shit!

    This morning my grow room has started to stink like a cross between something rotting and shit! I have 4 plants in the last week of veg and 2 seedlings about 2 weeks old running two different systems but all showing the same symptoms. All started showing patchy yellow leaves starting from the...
  16. JohnnyCypher

    Extreme temps...what to expect?

    Thanks guys, am running 2 canopy fans already and will raise the lights a few rungs. Have been told to put frozen water bottles in the res as well which i will try. Just hoping it doesn't last too much longer.
  17. JohnnyCypher

    Extreme temps...what to expect?

    My room has been running really hot over the last week thanks to a heatwave. Av temps 32-45c . The girls have been heat stressed a lot in the past but never to this degree. Have canoeing at the moment and growth has slowed right down but wondering what else to expect if the temps keep up? Short...
  18. JohnnyCypher

    Help w Ph Flux

    Hey all, Im finding my reservoir water is needing balancing every feed which is really taking a toll on time. Any advice on what is causing it to flux and what i can do to stabilize it? Im running a 25l res through 3 15l 100% perlite hempys with seedlings in 1inch rockwool cubes. Using...
  19. JohnnyCypher

    Seedling Emergency

    Any advice to avoid it next time? Id planned to dip the bases of the rockwool next time instead of watering from the top w a syringe
  20. JohnnyCypher

    Seedling Emergency

    I have a 1000w hps for flower but am waiting on a bulb to arrive. As soon as it does im moving the 4 larger plants to flower. I also have two 250w MH lamps going into this room later this week once they arrive. Propped up the two just after transplant but they seem to be getting worse not...